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Posts Tagged research finding

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Science & Technology
September 29, 2016 | 04:01 pm

‘No more magic’ in predicting how objects move through sand, other terrain

Rochester engineers have developed a simple theoretical model to calculate the force needed to move a rover across the ocean floor or through the granular terrain of other planets, for example, without having to run experiments to test those materials.

topics: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Hesam Askari, Materials Science Program, research finding,
Society & Culture
September 28, 2016 | 04:03 pm

Researchers link stress, loss of control to physical frailty in older adults

In a new study, Warner School of Education researchers have shown that chronic stress and poverty, which are associated with physical frailty in old age, become problematic when these factors result in lower perceptions of control.

topics: Andre Marquis, elderly, Kathryn Douthit, research finding, stress, Warner School of Education,
Science & Technology
September 28, 2016 | 08:22 am

Rare mutation weakens flu virus

Researchers at the Medical Center have identified a rare, naturally occurring influenza mutation that weakens the virus and could be used to develop new live flu vaccines.

topics: David Topham, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, influenza, Medical Center, research finding,
Science & Technology
September 27, 2016 | 08:00 am

Nuclear protein causes cancer to become more aggressive

Neuroblastoma is one of the most common and deadly of childhood cancers, and Medical Center researchers have discovered that aggressive forms of the cancer contain a specific protein in their cells’ nuclei not found in more benign cases.

topics: cancer, Department of Neuroscience, Department of Pediatrics, Medical Center, Nina Schor, research finding,
Science & Technology
August 30, 2016 | 10:09 am

Why neutrinos ‘matter’ in the early universe

When the highly anticipated findings from the Japan-based T2K neutrino experiment were finally presented at the International Conference on High Energy Physics this month, it was Rochester graduate student Konosuke (Ko) Iwamoto who updated the physics world on the puzzle behind the imbalance between matter and antimatter.

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, global engagement, Kevin McFarland, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, Steven Manly,
Society & Culture
August 15, 2016 | 03:21 pm

Providers face cultural challenges when evaluating refugee children

Thirty percent of the refugees the U.S. takes in every year are children. A new Medical Center study shows that the developmental screenings recommended by pediatricians don’t always translate to other cultures.

topics: child development, global engagement, Medical Center, research finding,
Science & Technology
August 12, 2016 | 12:53 pm

This is your brain on sentences

What does the meaning of a word look like? Researchers have, for the first time, decoded and predicted the brain activity patterns of word meanings within sentences, and successfully predicted what the brain patterns would be for new sentences.

topics: Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, featured-post, Rajeev Raizada, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
August 11, 2016 | 02:47 pm

‘Optical spring’ enables detection of single molecules

Using the spring force produced by light circulating in a miniaturized resonator, a team of engineering researchers from the University of Rochester and the University of Victoria has discovered a new approach to detecting single particles.

topics: American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, research finding,
Science & Technology
August 8, 2016 | 08:25 am

Study reveals brain’s finely tuned system of energy supply

The brain uses a “just in time” system for delivering the oxygen that fuels nerve cells. These findings from the University’s Center for Translational Neuromedicine could shed light on the cognitive decline that accompanies diseases like Alzheimer’s.

topics: Alzheimer’s disease, Center for Translational Neuromedicine, featured-post, Maiken Nedergaard, Medical Center, research finding,