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Educational Forum and Materials

The Office for Human Subject Protection (OHSP) hosts a monthly seminar series called the ‘University of Rochester Human Research Protection Program (UR-HRPP) Educational Forum’. The aim of the series is to broadly educate study team members on:

  • Conducting of research that complies with federal regulation and institutional policy
  • Implementing best practices to ensure the protection of the rights, welfare and safety of human subjects

Sessions are open to all faculty, staff and students and are announced via the OHSP mailing list and OHSP News and Updates. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit and Certificates of Attendance are routinely available for those in attendance.



Recorded monthly forums: Access on-demand

UR-HRPP Educational Forum sessions are typically recorded. Recordings are available to all faculty, staff and students via Blackboard. Reference the course content listed below for additional details. Staff/students must self-enroll in the ‘UR-HRPP Educational Materials’ course to access recordings.

Learn how to self-enroll in Blackboard to access these sessions

UR-HRPP Educational Materials: Course content

The UR-HRPP Educational Materials course in Blackboard is a repository of UR-HRPP Educational Forum recordings, as well as other recorded OHSP content. Materials included in the course may be viewed for personal or professional development, as well as for the purposes of training, onboarding, and/or as preventative action measures. A complete list of resources available within the course is available below.


  • Closed captioning is available for recordings, as indicated.
  • Corresponding Joint Task Force (JTF) Core Competencies are identified when the content of a given recording supports the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to meet the identified competency.

Access these sessions by self-enrolling in Blackboard

Recent UR-HRPP educational forum recordings

To access the recordings below, select the ‘Recent-UR-HRPP Educational Forum Recordings’ folder from the course homepage in Blackboard.

Meet the New AVP for Human Subject Protection: Q&A with Elizabeth Kipp Campbell
  • Event date: 5/9/2024
  • JTF Competences: N/A
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Multi-Site Study Oversight: Investigator Responsibilities, Quality by Design, and Risk Management
  • Event date: 4/11/2024
  • JTF competencies: 4.2, 5.3, 6.4
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
FDA vs. non-FDA Regulated Research: What's the difference and why does it matter?
  • Event date: 3/14/2024
  • JTF competency: 4.4
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
The Ethical Risks of Machine Learning Research
  • Event date: 2/8/2024
  • JTF competencies: 2.3, 2.5, 7.2
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Research Ethics Consultations
  • Event date: 1/11/2024
  • JTF competencies: 2.3, 7.2
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Annual OHSP Updates
  • Event date: 12/14/2023
  • JTF competency: N/A
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Leading with Purpose – How to Build and Maintain a Resilient Research Team
  • Event date: 11/9/2023
  • JTF competency: 8.1
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Remote Consent Refresher and REDCap e Consent Update
  • Event date: 10/31/2023
  • JTF competency: 2.3
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Top 10 Ways to Facilitate IRB Modifications
  • Event date: 9/14/2023
  • JTF competency: 2.3
  • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)

Archived UR-HRPP educational forum recordings

Archived recordings are categorized by content area. To access the archived recordings below, select the ‘Archived UR-HRPP Educational Forum Recordings’ folder from the course homepage and then select the applicable content area folder.

  • Protocol Deviations & Violations & Non-Compliance…Oh My!
    • Event date: 9/12/2019
    • JTF competencies: 4.2, 4.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • Continuing Non-Compliance
    • Event date: 11/29/2016
    • JTF competencies: 3.2, 5.6
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • CAPA Plans: Solutions, not Blame
    • Event date: 2/25/2014
    • JTF competencies: 4.2, 4.3, 5.6
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Conflict of Interest
  • Conflicts of Interest in Research
    • Event date: 2/22/2018
    • JTF competencies: 5.5, 7.2
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Data Security and Data Management
  • Data Security in Human Subject Research
    • Event date: 9/29/2020
    • JTF competency: 4.7
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • GDPR for Researchers: Implications of the European Union’s New General Data Protection Regulations
    • Event date: 4/11/2019
    • JTF competencies: 4.4, 4.7
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • A Database is Worth a Thousand Words (or More!): The Role of Data Management
    • Event date: 3/8/2016
    • JTF competencies: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Department/Scientific and Ancillary Reviews
  • UR Scientific Review Process – Peer Review
    • Event date: 3/30/2017
    • JTF competency: 1.2
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Essential/Study Documentation
  • Essential Study Documentation – Part 1
    • Event date: 12/9/2021
    • JTF competencies: 4.3, 5.6
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Essential Study Documentation – Part 2

    • Event date: 1/21/2022
    • JTF competencies: 4.3, 5.6
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Informed Consent
  • The Virtue Ethics of the Informed Consent Process in Research
    • Event date: 3/31/2023
    • JTF competencies: 2.4, 7.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Informed Consent Discussions: A Little Bit Regulation, A Little Bit Meliora
    • Event date: 4/14/2022
    • JTF competency: 2.4
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Health Literacy and the Informed Consent Process
    • Event date: 5/13/2021
    • JTF competency: 2.5
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Building from Basics: Informed Consent – Planning Your Process
    • Event date: 1/14/2021
    • JTF competencies: 2.3, 2.4
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Back to Basics: Informed Consent – Translating Requirements into Practice
    • Event date: 11/12/2020
    • JTF competencies: 2.3, 2.4
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
IRB Submissions and Review Process
  • Preparing IRB Submissions
    • Event date: 4/27/2023
    • JTF competency: 4.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • IRB Reliance and Collaborative Research: Requirements to Rely on an External IRB and for the RSRB as the Reviewing IRB for Non-UR Sites
    • Event date: 10/13/2022
    • JTF competencies: 2.3, 3.2
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • RSRB Determinations: Human Subjects Research & Exemptions
    • Event date: 2/11/2021
    • JTF competency: 2.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Put on Your IRB Hat: Let’s Review a Protocol!
    • Event date: 3/14/2019
    • JTF competencies: 1.3, 2.3, 2.5
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • RSRB Mock Board Meeting
    • Event date: 1/29/2013
    • JTF competency: 2.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Investigational Products
  • What’s New with Expanded Access?

    • Event date: 12/10/2020
    • JTF competencies: 3.2, 3.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Quality Management
  • Self-Auditing at the Research Site or Study Level
    • Event date: 12/8/2022
    • JTF competencies: 4.3, 5.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Integrating Quality into Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials
    • Event date: 4/8/2021
    • JTF competencies: 4.3, 5.3, 6.4
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Tools and Tidbits to Help Ensure Quality Trials at Clinical Research Sites
    • Event date: 2/23/2017
    • JTF competency: 4.2
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • A Quality Systems Approach to Clinical Site Management – An Overview of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
    • Event/version date: 4/5/2016
    • JTF competencies: 1.4, 5.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Regulations and Guidance
  • ICH GCP E6 R2 – Changes? Yes. Challenges?  Not as Difficult as You May Fear
    • Event date: 10/25/2017
    • JTF competencies: 4.2, 4.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Roles and Responsibilities
  • WWYD: A Refresher on Study Team Responsibilities
    • Event date: 5/11/2023
    • JTF competency: 4.4
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • A Look Inside: The Roles & Responsibilities of a Coordinating Center
    • Event date: 11/17/2015
    • JTF competencies: 3.2, 4.2
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda: Lessons Learned in Conducting Research from OHSP/RSRB Staff & Board Members
    • Event date: 10/6/2015
    • JTF competencies: 2.3, 4.2, 4.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • OHSP Policy 901: Investigator Responsibilities
    • Event date: 9/16/2014
    • JTF competencies: 3.2, 4.2, 5.6
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Study Protocol/Design
  • Am I doing research? The journey from standard clinical care to pragmatic trials: conducting comparative effectiveness research while maintaining research subjects protections and rights
    • Event date: 3/22/2022
    • JTF competencies: 1.3, 2.1, 4.1
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Best Practices for the Development & Management of Databases, Repositories & Registries
    • Event date: 2/13/2020
    • JTF competency: 2.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • How Coordinators Can Assist in Ensuring Practicality of Study Assessments – From the Subject’s Point of View
    • Event date: 12/12/2019
    • JTF competencies: 1.1, 1.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • Standard Deviations from the Mean: When Does a Patient Become a Subject?
    • Event date: 11/18/2014
    • JTF competencies: 2.1, 2.3, 7.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Subject Payment
  • Research Subject Payment Policy and Procedure
    • Event date: 11/10/2022
    • JTF competency: N/A
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Subject Safety
  • Adverse Events through the Lens of the IRB
    • Event date: 3/12/2020
    • JTF competencies: 2.3, 3.4, 3.6, 4.6, 4.10
    • Resources available: Slides and video
  • Planning for Your Plan: Data and Safety Monitoring Plan Development & Implementation
    • Event date: 12/16/2014
    • JTF competencies: 3.2, 4.8, 4.10
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Training and Onboarding
  • OHSP Education & Resource Updates
    • Event date: 9/8/2022
    • JTF competency: 5.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
  • Study Team Member Onboarding: Critical Considerations for Planning for Success
    • Event date: 1/9/2020
    • JTF competencies: 1.4, 4.3, 5.3
    • Resources available: Slides and video
Vulnerable Populations
  • Consent in the Pediatric Population
    • Event date: 2/10/2022
    • JTF competencies: 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)

More training videos

Supplemental and refresher training videos

To access the recording below, select the Refresher Training Videos‘ folder from the course homepage. 

  • Informed Consent: Refresher Training

    • Version date: 3/9/2022
    • JTF competencies: 2.3, 2.4
    • Resources available: Slides and video (closed captioning available)
Click IRB demo videos

Click IRB Demo Videos can be accessed via the ‘Click IRB Demo Videos’ folder from the course homepage in Blackboard. These videos can also be accessed directly from the Click IRB Resources webpage. 

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