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Update Your Vehicle Information

Instructions for Updating Your Vehicle Information

  1. Go to My Parking Online and log in using your Active Directory and password.
  2. At the top of the screen on the menu, click the dropdown arrow for PERMITS, then select VIEW YOUR PERMITS.
  3. Click on your permit number to manage the vehicle(s) associated with your account.
  4. At the bottom of the YOUR PERMIT DETAILS page, select ADD VEHICLES TO PERMIT to make updates or add a new vehicle.
  5. Complete the required fields for the vehicle you want linked to your permit, then select NEXT.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the vehicle you want linked to your permit, then click ADD THE SELECTED VEHICLE.
  7. Review your changes on the YOUR PERMIT DETAILS page.
  8. Log out of My Parking Online in the upper right-hand corner under your name.

Contact the Parking Management Center at
(585) 275-4524 or