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In response to recent reports of vandalism and theft from vehicles, the Department of Public Safety offers these security tips to help prevent it from occurring:

  • Remove valuable items or anything that appears appealing to thieves from parked vehicles. Many of the recent thefts are referred to as “smash and grabs.”  Valuables left in plain view in the vehicle generate motivation for criminals to quickly break a window and grab them. Always take your valuables with you. When possible, keep the inside of your car empty.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when parking. At night, park in well-lighted areas when possible.
  • Lock your car and activate alarm systems.
  • Use a theft prevention tool, such as a steering wheel lock. DPS still is able to provide a free wheel lock to anyone in the University community who owns or drives a Hyundai or Kia. While supplies last, individuals can pick up a steering wheel lock at DPS headquarters, 612 Wilson Blvd., River Campus, by showing a University ID and proof of owning or driving a Hyundai or Kia vehicle, such as a vehicle registration card. 

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Department of Transportation and Parking Management continue to provide extra attention to parking areas University-wide.

Whenever you observe criminal activity or something suspicious, IMMEDIATELY call 911 if off campus or call or text Public Safety at 585-275-3333 if on campus.

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