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Explore Policies & Procedures

Policies help keep the University of Rochester a safe, respectful, productive, and positive academic and health care workplace. On this page, you can explore, access, and review policies relevant to your current or future needs.

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10 results found

Policies Loop

Political Activities Policy

Policy Number: 112

This policy outlines the limitations and restrictions the University has with regard to all forms of political activity.

General Administration

Death of Faculty or Staff Member

Policy Number: 119

Guidelines and procedures regarding the death of a faculty or staff member, to be followed with tact and sensitivity and modified when individual circumstances warrant.

Compensation & Benefits, Employment & Staffing, Human Resources

Affirmative Action Policy for Minorities, Women, Disabled Individuals, and Protected Veterans

Policy Number: 102

The University will ensure that minority group individuals, females, protected veterans, and qualified disabled persons have equal opportunity and access to the University’s workforce and equal opportunity as employees with respect to all aspects of employment.

Conduct & Community Standards, Employment & Staffing, Human Resources, Records & Compliance

Policy on Minimum Standards for Programs for Minors and Children

Policy Number:

All programs involving transfer of responsibility for supervision and control of minors and children from parents or guardians to the University (or to a third party permitted by contract to use University facilities for such programs) and meeting the further definitions in this section must comply with the minimum standards for such programs as defined by the University in this policy.

Conduct & Community Standards, Employment & Staffing, General Administration, Safety

Drug-Free Workplace (Controlled Substance Policy)

Policy Number: 171

The University is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment, and will not tolerate the unlawful possession and use of controlled substances (drugs) on its premises. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in and on property owned or controlled by the University.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources

Conflict of Interest

Policy Number: 113

When any University business transaction under consideration presents the potential for a conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, the faculty or staff member concerned shall not be involved in the transaction, and the University shall act in accordance with the following guidelines and procedures.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources

Workplace Values and Equal Opportunity Policy

Policy Number: 100

Actions at the University of Rochester are governed by the guidelines set forth in this policy as well as others. All members of the University community are expected to act professionally and treat others with respect when representing the University, whether that be internally when working with colleagues or externally with our community while engaged in a University-related activity.

Conduct & Community Standards, Employment & Staffing, Human Resources

Code of Conduct

Policy Number:

The Board of Trustees and the executive leadership expect that each individual conducting business on behalf of the University will adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in the performance of duties.

General Administration
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