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Explore Policies & Procedures

Policies help keep the University of Rochester a safe, respectful, productive, and positive academic and health care workplace. On this page, you can explore, access, and review policies relevant to your current or future needs.

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9 results found

Policies Loop

Political Activities Policy

Policy Number: 112

This policy outlines the limitations and restrictions the University has with regard to all forms of political activity.

General Administration

Death of Faculty or Staff Member

Policy Number: 119

Guidelines and procedures regarding the death of a faculty or staff member, to be followed with tact and sensitivity and modified when individual circumstances warrant.

Compensation & Benefits, Employment & Staffing, Human Resources

Attendance Control

Policy Number: 152

This policy provides guidelines and advice to supervisors regarding absenteeism and balancing paid leave protection with the University's right to a reasonable standard of attendance.

Absences, Conduct & Community Standards, Employment & Staffing, Records & Compliance


Policy Number: 157

The University expects that employees' appearance, personal hygiene, and dress will be neat, clean and appropriate to the function they perform at the University. More specific guidelines or rules may be established by department heads when necessary based on the nature of the work.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources

Changes in Personal Data

Policy Number: 401

Each faculty and staff member is expected to promptly notify his or her department head and the Office of Human Resources of changes to name, home address and telephone number. The Office of Human Resources, Administrative Services should be notified of changes in marital status, spouse’s name, number of dependents and beneficiaries in order to assure proper benefits administration.

Human Resources, Records & Compliance

Corrective Discipline

Policy Number: 154

When an employee’s conduct interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of the University, or an employee’s performance does not meet the expectations or requirements of the job, the University may take corrective action.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources

Conflict of Interest

Policy Number: 113

When any University business transaction under consideration presents the potential for a conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, the faculty or staff member concerned shall not be involved in the transaction, and the University shall act in accordance with the following guidelines and procedures.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources

Arrest of a Staff Member

Policy Number: 351

In the event of the arrest of a staff member for an offense which does not involve a violation of University policy, the University's action will be guided by the principle that the individual is presumed innocent unless found guilty by the court.

Absences, Human Resources
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