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Explore Policies & Procedures

Policies help keep the University of Rochester a safe, respectful, productive, and positive academic and health care workplace. On this page, you can explore, access, and review policies relevant to your current or future needs.

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46 results found

Policies Loop

Layoff and Recall

Policy Number: 354

A layoff is defined as an action involving the reduction of staff necessitated by lack of work or other reasons. As described more fully below, employees will be selected for layoff on the basis of a criteria-based evaluation of ability, performance and seniority, with the greatest emphasis being placed ability, then performance, and then seniority. Recalls to work will generally be in the reverse order of layoffs. Note: Department administrators must contact Human Resources (HR) for assistance with planning the restructuring of their organizations and planning and implementing layoffs.

Employment & Staffing

Reproductive Protection Policy

Policy Number: 167

Some work locations at the University may, because of the nature of the work, pose potential risks to the reproductive health of employees. This policy states the University's commitment to minimizing risks and providing education and information to help employees make informed decisions about exposure to potential health risks.

Environmental Health & Safety, Human Resources, Occupational Safety

Time Management and Attendance Records

Policy Number: 413

Orderly pay and benefits administration as well as compliance with state and federal regulations require that a record of actual hours worked be maintained on a daily basis for all nonexempt (hourly-paid) staff. Accurate records of paid non-work time (with the exception of sick time, unless it is the beginning of a disability) must also be maintained for exempt (salaried) staff.

Records & Compliance

Compensation Administration

Policy Number: 195

This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for compensation administration, in compliance with federal and state labor laws.

Compensation & Benefits

Changes in Personal Data

Policy Number: 401

Each faculty and staff member is expected to promptly notify his or her department head and the Office of Human Resources of changes to name, home address and telephone number. The Office of Human Resources, Administrative Services should be notified of changes in marital status, spouse’s name, number of dependents and beneficiaries in order to assure proper benefits administration.

Human Resources, Records & Compliance

Drug-Free Workplace (Controlled Substance Policy)

Policy Number: 171

The University is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment, and will not tolerate the unlawful possession and use of controlled substances (drugs) on its premises. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in and on property owned or controlled by the University.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources

Corrective Discipline

Policy Number: 154

When an employee’s conduct interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of the University, or an employee’s performance does not meet the expectations or requirements of the job, the University may take corrective action.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources

Work Schedules: Meal and Rest Periods

Policy Number: 172

The University establishes and maintains schedules of work which are compatible with the needs of its diverse operating units and in compliance with government laws and regulations.

Human Resources

Overtime Pay

Policy Number: 223

Situations requiring overtime pay should be avoided whenever possible. When work demands require a staff member to work in excess of 40 hours in a work week the staff member is eligible for and must be paid overtime pay at a rate of one and one-half times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for the work week.

Wage & Salary Administration

Conflict of Interest

Policy Number: 113

When any University business transaction under consideration presents the potential for a conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, the faculty or staff member concerned shall not be involved in the transaction, and the University shall act in accordance with the following guidelines and procedures.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources
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