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Explore Policies & Procedures

Policies help keep the University of Rochester a safe, respectful, productive, and positive academic and health care workplace. On this page, you can explore, access, and review policies relevant to your current or future needs.

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9 results found

Policies Loop

Tobacco-Free Institution

Policy Number: 170

The purpose of this policy is to comply with the New York State Public Health Law Article 13-E, and to assist in the creation of a healthful and comfortable environment for all students, faculty, administrators, staff visitors and any other members of the University of Rochester community.

Conduct & Community Standards, Human Resources, Safety

Health Assessments

Policy Number: 166

A pre-placement health assessment is required of new University faculty and staff members who will have patient contact or will work in departments or positions where health assessments are mandated by law.

Employment & Staffing


Policy Number: 108

The intent of this policy is to meet regulatory responsibility as well as ensure an environment that complements our mission as a provider of health care, research and education.

Human Resources

Policy on Minimum Standards for Programs for Minors and Children

Policy Number:

All programs involving transfer of responsibility for supervision and control of minors and children from parents or guardians to the University (or to a third party permitted by contract to use University facilities for such programs) and meeting the further definitions in this section must comply with the minimum standards for such programs as defined by the University in this policy.

Conduct & Community Standards, Employment & Staffing, General Administration, Safety

Providing References

Policy Number: 406

The responsibility for sharing information must be centralized and controlled to minimize the University’s risk of liability for release of inappropriate information. All requests for references from sources outside the University pertaining to a current or former employee should be directed to THE WORK NUMBER. Supervisors may provide reference information to internal University sources only.

Employment & Staffing, Human Resources, Records & Compliance

Changes in Personal Data

Policy Number: 401

Each faculty and staff member is expected to promptly notify his or her department head and the Office of Human Resources of changes to name, home address and telephone number. The Office of Human Resources, Administrative Services should be notified of changes in marital status, spouse’s name, number of dependents and beneficiaries in order to assure proper benefits administration.

Human Resources, Records & Compliance

Data Security Classification Policy

Policy Number:

This policy's purpose is to define the classifications of data, introduce some appropriate handling measures, and present the required security controls associated with the data classification to establish consistency across the organization.

General Administration

Access to and Maintenance of Personnel Records

Policy Number: 404

Upon request, the University will provide current employees access to their personnel records as maintained in the Office of Human Resources and in the individual’s employing unit. Review is limited to once a year.

Records & Compliance
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