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Business Continuity Management Governance Policy

This policy aims to establish a Business Continuity Management Program (BCMP) Governance Committee. The BCMP is comprised of Emergency Preparedness, Crisis Management, IT Disaster Recovery, and Business Resumption planning as defined in the BCMP charter. The objective of the committee is to commit the University and Strong Memorial Hospital to develop a business continuity program, and establish guidelines to govern the program. This committee is the guiding body to review BCMP risks and mitigation strategies associated with patient care, research, administration, and academics, and set priorities for program implementation.

In addition, subject to the approval of policies through the University Policy Committee, the Governance Committee shall draft and maintain policies and standards necessary to ensure all necessary legal, regulatory, and accreditation requirements are addressed, and commonly accepted practices are being employed across the University.  The following policies and standards have been developed:

The University and Strong Memorial Hospital are responsible for creating and maintaining a governance committee that represents the multiple lines of business at the University.

Appendix 1: Revision History

Modification(s) Made Modified By: Date of Modification Approver Approval Date
Document Created Business Continuity Project Director 07/20/2017
Document revised for program start up Business Continuity Project Director 6/3/2021
Reviewed and edited BCM Steering Committee 1/14/2022
Reviewed and edited BCM Governance Committee 1/20/2022 Governance Committee 1/20/2022
Reviewed and edited Business Continuity Program Manager 6/28/2022

Appendix 2: Contact Information

Please address any questions or concerns with any policies set forth within this document to the University of Rochester Business Continuity Management Program Office (