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Class Notes

College Arts, Sciences & Engineering

1952 Chesley Kahmann has released a new CD of original songs. Sunshine and Sorrow (Orbiting Clef Productions) features Chesley on piano, her son, Ames Parsons, on trumpet, and singing by the Interludes.

1955 Robert Fogelin died in October, his wife, Florence, writes. After graduating from Rochester, Bob earned a PhD in philosophy from Yale and went on to become a leading American expert on skepticism, including the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein and David Hume. He was the Sherman Fairchild Professor in the Humanities emeritus at Dartmouth.

1956 Nancy Bedford Moler died in March, her husband, Robert, writes. She raised four children—Keith, Shawn, Robin, and Melanie—after which “she was an exceptional community leader determined to preserve and enhance her community and to provide service to the needy, including acting as a foster parent and providing a temporary home for homeless teens.” Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2008, she entered hospice care in March and lived for eight more days. Robert adds: “Nancy spent most of her waking hours with her children and grandchildren, all of whom were present, enjoyed visits with numerous friends, had face-to-face conversations with relatives and friends via Skype and Facetime, and made it clear to all that she knew exactly what she was doing and had no regrets. Her determination was quite remarkable. She lived an incomparable life of love and giving.”

1957 With apologies to Dick Leger, we reprint the photo of him, Jeff Oshlag, and Jeff’s wife, Becky, that we included in the November-December issue, where we mistakenly identified Dick as Jeff, and Jeff as Dick. Enjoying time near Dick’s home in the San Francisco Bay Area are (from left to right) Dick, Becky, and Jeff.

1959 Marilyn Johnson Burday writes that several members of the Class of 1959 gathered in Port Clyde, Maine, last August. Pictured “ready to embark on a Puffin tour in the rain” are (left to right) Steve Barnes ’66, Marilyn, Abby Barnes Anderson, Bob Geyer, and Liz Allen Symonds.

1962 Gail Meier Edwards sends a photo of five of her eight grandchildren, wearing shirts she tie-dyed for them. Gail is an art therapist in Boulder, Colorado. . . . John Marciano has published a book, The American War in Vietnam: Crime or Commemoration? (Monthly Review Press). John is a professor emeritus at SUNY Cortland.

1963 Jean Torre writes: “I just heard Kirk Dougherty ’03E (DMA) opening his third season as a resident artist with Opera San Jose, earning standing ovations as Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor. I’ve enjoyed his performances the past two seasons in everything from classics such as Rigoletto to modern operas like A Streetcar Named Desire, and am looking forward to the rest of this season.”

1964 John Denison ’69W (MA) writes: “Yellowjacket football teammates Dick Cavagnol, Charlie Rathbone, Stu Levison, and I were joined by longtime U of R friend Dave Noonan, along with wives and sweethearts, at my residence in Wilmington, North Carolina, for a ‘Geezer Reunion’ in September. Activities included a tour of the battleship USS North Carolina, a visit to historic Fort Fisher, howling at the full moon on Wrightsville Beach, shopping (mostly for the ladies) in and around Wilmington, and watching black-and-white football films from the fall of 1962 and 1963. There was also eating and drinking to excess, as well as lively reminiscing about those great days so many years ago on the banks of the Genesee.” Pictured from left to right are Dick, Charlie, Stu, John, and Dave.

1966 Steve Barnes (see ’59).

1968 Richard Fischoff writes that he and several classmates vacationed in the south of France in July 2015. Pictured from left to right are Carol Dudnick, David Karabell, Paula Moss, Erica Levitt, and Richard. David is Paula’s husband.

1973 Gary Clinton and Don Millinger ’76 send an update. Gary retired after 25 years as dean of students at the University of Pennsylvania Law School (see page 57). Don also retired. An attorney for 37 years, he was most recently special counsel to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. “We are both busy with exciting projects,” Gary writes. Gary serves on the board of directors of the hamlet Fire Island Pines, and Don serves on the boards of both ACLU–Philadelphia and ACLU–Pennsylvania. Don is also a senior advisor to Philadelphia Contemporary, a new museum of visual and performance art.

1976 Don Millinger (see ’73).

1979 Brian Davison has been elected a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

1980 Janice Jacobs Currie (see ’53 School of Medicine and Dentistry). . . . Lisa Sarnoff Gochman writes that she and Steven Gochman ’79, Marty Stern ’79, ’80S (MBA), Jeff Tischler ’77, ’78S (MBA), and Harwin Goldman ’78 celebrated the bar mitzvah of the son of Rick Peltzman ’79 in New York City in November. . . . Jonathan Lunine is cofounder and president of the Society of Catholic Scientists, a new organization designed to foster fellowship among Catholic scientists and provide a forum for discussion of the relationship between science and Catholicism. Jonathan holds the title of David C. Duncan Professor in the Physical Sciences at Cornell and is the director of the Cornell Center of Astrophysics and Planetary Science. . . . Janice Wiesman ’84M (MS) has published a book, Peripheral Neuropathy: What It Is and What You Can Do to Feel Better (Johns Hopkins University Press). Janice is an associate clinical professor of neurology at New York University’s medical school and an adjunct assistant professor of neurology at Boston University’s medical school. . . . Lisa Wessan has been named cochair of the National Association of Social Workers Northeast Private Practice Shared Interest Group (see photo, page 55).

1981 Mark Cohen writes that he’s retired from the Lifetime Health Medical Group after 27 years of active medical practice and is now medical director of PopHealthCare’s CareSight program in western New York. . . . Patrick Simning ’82 has published a book, Caribou Hunt: Hunting in British Columbia (Smashwords).

1984 Tom Skibinski won the Outstanding Contributions to the Classic award from the Wendy’s College Classic basketball tournament. Tom has been the announcer for the tournament, now in its 50th and final year, since 1984.

1992 Michelle Proia Roe is vice president and general counsel of Thirty-One Gifts, based in Columbus, Ohio.

1997 Rich Goldberg has formed a new law firm in Washington, D.C., Goldberg & Clements. He writes: “After leaving Rochester, I worked as an enterprise-software developer for six years before going to law school at Duke. The new firm, which I formed with fellow Duke alum Noah Clements, will focus on transactions and litigation for technology companies, as well as white-collar defense.” . . . Michele Spilberg Hart is marketing and communications manager at the New England Center for Children in Southborough, Massachusetts. The center provides evidence-based services for children with autism spectrum disorders. She writes: “I am fortunate to work with an organization committed to helping as many children with autism worldwide as possible.”

1998 Mark Hippert writes that he and his wife, Danielle, welcomed twin daughters, Adia and Sana, last July. “These happy girls are keeping Mom, Dad, and big sister, Julia, busy!” . . . Stacey Trien has been named an Hon. Judith S. Kaye Commercial and Federal Litigation Scholar by the New York State Bar Association. The award is named in honor of the first female chief judge in New York, and provides leadership training to select women with the goal “to increase the number of women taking a leadership role in commercial cases litigated in both the state and federal courts in New York.” Stacey is a litigator at the Rochester law firm Leclair Korona Vahey Cole. . . . Clint Young has published a book, Music Theater and Popular Nationalism in Spain, 1880–1930 (Louisiana State University Press). He’s an associate professor of history at the University of Arkansas, Monticello.

2001 Joseph and Courtney Meade Jukic write: “We welcomed our third child, Caroline Kaye, in July. Her big brothers, Peter and Joey, are excited to have a little sister.”

2005 Natalie Baptiste writes that she welcomed a daughter, Zhuri, last July.

2006 Alina Bricklin-Goldstein and her husband, Jared, send a photo of their son, Ari, from his first birthday celebration. They live in Connecticut, where Alina is a partner at the Hartford law firm Schulman and Associates.

2009 Emily Zbesko Zarefsky and her husband, Marc, welcomed a son, Evan, in February 2016. Evan joins his big sister, Ella.

2010 Shane and Allison McComb DePutron welcomed their first child, James, last July. They live in Rutherford, New Jersey. . . . Tommy Kwon writes that he and his wife, Songah, welcomed a son, Aiden, in February 2016.