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Class Notes

Simon Business School

1979 John Caligiuri (MBA) published the novel Cocytus: Sanctuary in Hell (Insomnia Publishing), the sequel to Cocytus: Planet of the Damned (Insomnia Publishing). John writes that his Cocytus science fiction series eventually will include four novels.

1990 Jim Palermo (MBA) has earned the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designation. He’s an equity analyst and portfolio manager with Chicago Equity Partners in Chicago, focusing on stocks in the financial services sector.

1993 Rupal Jagirdar Bhansali (MBA) received the 2019 North American Industry Leadership Award from 100 Women in Finance for her achievements as a fund manager and for the inspiration she provides to the next generation of investment professionals. Rupal is the chief investment officer and portfolio manager of international equities for Ariel Investments. The award was presented by a member of the British royal family, Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones, the Countess of Wessex, who serves as 100 Women in Finance’s global ambassador for next-generation initiatives.

1994 Nadia Malik (MBA) (see ’90 College).

2015 Molly Williams (MBA) (see ’07 College).