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I have been reflecting on what it means to be a global research university of the future at this moment in our history. I thought about our role as a University and what it means for us to respond to issues ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic and sociopolitical developments to advances in technology and the changing landscape of higher education. I spoke to students, faculty, staff, trustees, community members, families, and patients, and I listened to their thoughts about the role of the University and the many ways our institution has had an impact on their lives.

What I learned from these conversations was that in many cases, the priorities I wanted to pursue when I first arrived were shared by others. However, as I continued in my role and worked with so many of you on the challenges we have faced in the past two years, I also learned more about the critical issues and opportunities facing the University.

As the work of our institution and the development of our strategic plan moves forward, it is important to acknowledge that much of what we need to do for a successful future is built on some of the important work we are doing today. While we must focus on the future and embrace our spirit of Meliora, we can also recognize some of our many accomplishments. We are seeing tremendous success in student outcomes, we are investing in our researchers, we are engaged in mutually beneficial relationships with our communities, and we are evolving our core operations to modernize the entire University, including its schools and Medical Center.

Our successes would not be possible without our people. My sincere thanks go to interim Provost Sarah Peyre for her leadership in the early phases of our strategic plan, and to everyone who has contributed their time, talent, and expertise to the process. I look forward to working with you and our incoming Provost David Figlio as we continue to move our University forward. I am grateful for your commitment and inspired by our future and what is possible.


Sarah C. Mangelsdorf 
President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor

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