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The Tragedy in Japan

The unfolding tragedy in Japan, like earlier disasters in Haiti and New Orleans, painfully has reminded us how fragile and interconnected our world is.

Our hearts go out to all our alumni, parents, and friends who live and work in Japan, as to our students, faculty, and staff with relatives and friends in Japan. While the full extent of this disaster is not yet known, it is already clear that an event of historic proportions has shaken the nation of Japan and indirectly will touch all of us.

So far as we know, all University students now in Japan or planning to study there this semester are safe and accounted for. I know that some of our students, faculty, and staff will want to get involved. Already, efforts are under way among various student groups to organize efforts to support Japan and its ongoing recovery.

College students wishing to organize efforts to help should contact the Dean of Students office, 275-4085. Eastman students should call Dean Donna Brink Fox, (585) 274-1020, or email

The following agencies are responding to the crisis:

Every day we are reminded how closely linked we all are. Our students study abroad in 37 countries, and our faculty research and collaborate in scores more. More than 600 alumni, parents, and students live in Japan. At this University, we know that when tragedy of this magnitude strikes, it touches us all.

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