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Eastman Dean Search

To:         The Eastman School of Music Faculty, Staff, and Students
From:    Joel Seligman
Re:        Eastman Dean Search


When Doug Lowry stepped down as Dean, I appointed Jamal Rossi to be Dean of the Eastman School to serve at least until the conclusion of a national search. I today am initiating that search, which may in fact prove to be an international search.

Provost Peter Lennie will chair the Eastman Dean Search Committee, which also will include Chris Azzara, Paul Burgett, Jeff Campbell, Benton Hess, Doug Humpherys, Chien-Kwan Lin, Patrick Macey, Betsy Marvin, Honey Meconi, Carol Rodland, Reinhild Steingrover-McRae, Bill Weinert, David Ying and Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon.

I also am announcing the appointment of a Trustees and Friends Advisory Committee that will interview final candidates.  University of Rochester Board of Trustees Chair Emeritus Bob Witmer will chair this Committee, which will include Renée Fleming, Marty Messinger, Sandy Parker and Mark Volpe.

Final candidates also will be interviewed by other key Eastman constituencies, including deans and senior administrators (other than candidates) and representatives of students and staff.

Within the next few weeks, Peter Lennie will complete the selection of an outside search firm, and we will hold initial meetings with the two committees and the search firm.A position profile describing the Dean’s position, the School, and the challenges and opportunities ahead will be reviewed by the Search Committee and widely circulated.

We all seek the best possible successor to Doug Lowry.  Eastman is a great school and deserves a great Dean.  There will be no limits on who may be considered. In a few weeks, the Search Committee will provide information as to how you can forward nominations of candidates.

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