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Statement: Interim Leadership for Advancement

Joel Seligman

Jim Thompson recently began a medical leave. I have appointed James W. Osterholt to serve as Interim Senior Vice President and Chief Advancement Officer.

In 2008, Jim Thompson had bariatric bypass surgery. He now requires follow-on medical attention and will be on medical leave for some months.  Jim has made enormous contributions to our advancement effort. I know that we all look forward to his return.

Jim Osterholt has had a very successful career in fundraising, most recently as Interim Vice President for Advancement at Pomona College. He spent 21 years at UCLA, many of them as lead advancement officer, before moving to similar posts at the RAND Corporation, Milken Institute, Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor), and St. John’s College (Santa Fe). He is currently an affiliated consultant with Marts & Lundy, our Campaign consultants. He received an A.B. from Stanford and an M.A. from Columbia.
More on Jim Osterholt

Jim Osterholt will provide sure-handed
interim leadership. Throughout his distinguished career, Jim has planned and run a number of successful campaigns and has directed every phase of the fundraising enterprise. With Jim Osterholt and our capable Advancement leadership team, the Campaign will be in good hands until Jim Thompson returns.

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