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President Seligman Reacts to State Economic Development Funding

University of Rochester President Joel Seligman, co-chair of the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council, issued the following statement in response the 2014 Regional Economic Development Council Awards, which were announced earlier today.

Today in Albany, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Lt. Governor Bob Duffy, and legislative leaders announced $80.7 million in economic development support for the nine-county Finger Lakes region.  We take particular pride in the fact that the state singled out our region’s strategic plan for recognition as a “Top Performer.”

Thanks to the Governor’s leadership and his vision for economic development, the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council has been able to bring together stakeholders from across our region, create a shared blueprint for our economic future, and galvanize the support necessary to advance the complex, multi-million dollar projects that will accelerate job creation and economic growth.

The more than 400 individuals who served as members of the Council’s Work Groups have been critical to this outcome and have demonstrated a tireless commitment to this task.

We are proud of what we have achieved to date.  Including this year’s award, the Finger Lakes region will have received more than $305 million in support through the Regional Economic Development Council process.  This is in addition to funds committed by the state to support important transportation and industrial projects, such as Eastman Business Park and the STAMP project in Genesee County.

With this new state support, we will now be able to move forward with projects that will accelerate the development and commercialization of new technologies, help small businesses grow and prosper, train our workforce for the jobs of the future, revitalize key industrial development sites, and strengthen our communities and quality of life.

We are deeply grateful to the Governor and our state delegation for their support and recognition.  We also understand our efforts have only just begun and look forward to continuing to work with the state to build a new economic future for our region.

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