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Statement regarding DACA

The University of Rochester reaffirms its unqualified support to its undocumented students and employees who are here under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The University will closely track this issue in the coming months, and University officials will continue to work with our Congressional delegation and with higher education associations to continue to express our strong support for DACA within the limits of the law.

Our University is immeasurably better and stronger because of its diverse student body. We are both a global university and the Rochester family where we value and support one another, even under challenging circumstances and uncertainties. Today, the University is reaffirming our commitments to our students, as well as our scholars and employees: 

  • The University will do everything within our legal powers to support our community and keep members safe, including providing needed assistance with immigration issues.
  • The University does not provide lists or other information based on an individual’s immigration or citizenship status to external parties or authorities, except as required by the visa-sponsorship programs in which we participate or otherwise by law.
  • The University will not detain, seek out, or assist in deporting a University community member solely on the basis of immigration status. It is not the University’s practice under any circumstances for our Department of Public Safety to act as an agent of the federal government with regard to immigration enforcement. 

Students or scholars with questions or concerns about their immigration status under DACA should contact the University’s International Services Office (ISO) at ISO for many months has been assisting students and scholars in navigating new and changing immigration policies. 

Individuals with additional questions are encouraged to contact the Office for Global Engagement at, which hosts the Global Engagement Immigration Updates page with information on University resources.


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