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Meeting Notes 2/12/16

Attending: Richard Feldman, Nancy Ares, Charlisa Goodlet, Carin Cole, Myra Henry, Vivian Lewis, LaRon Nelson, Anne Nofziger, Nick Bigelow, Linda Chaudron, Justin Delinois, Guylda Richard, Grant Dever, Donna Brink Fox (phone)

Guests: Paul Hagenloh (phone)

  1. Update from the focus group subcommittee plans
    1. Plan to pilot focus groups with undergraduate students after spring break
    2. More detailed plans regarding facilitators, logistics, and training will be shared at our next meeting.
  2. Update on the Douglass Leadership House (DLH) and Academic Living Center (ALC) plans
    1. ALCs, including DLH will be ongoing units. A Committee in the College will be developing a clear guidelines governing ongoing ALCs. DLH will satisfy those conditions (based on their recent application in the process). The other houses will be reviewed as well.
  3. $30K Diversity Programming Fund has been established for the College.
  4. Frederick Douglass Institute update: the director is working with Dean Culver to stabilize the curriculum for the program, expand the offerings, lecture series, and study abroad opportunities.
  5. Campaign against hate speech update: Created the slogan We’re better than THAT. The group has a logo, is currently developing a poster, stickers, and video contest for undergraduates.
  6. Commission work plan:
    1. Faculty issues
      1. Data
      2. Survey results
      3. Information from Faculty Diversity Officers
    2. Staff: this topic will be on our agenda later in the semester
    3. Inventories
      1. Organize the information so that it can be useful for the community, build a web page and a searchable database.
      2. Carin Cole, LaRon Nelson and Maggie Cousin will work on this. IT and communications may also assist.
  7. Grad student data: topic for a future meeting.
  8. Town hall transcripts: Group recommends qualitative analysis of the transcripts be done. Nancy Ares will speak with her dean about engaging Warner students in this project. Return to Commission on Race and Diversity website
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