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Meeting Notes 1/6/16

Attending: LaRon Nelson, Gail Norris, Anne Nofziger, Nancy Ares, Myra Henry, Rich Feldman, Paul Burgett, Carin Cole, Donna Brink Fox, Vivian Lewis, Charlisa Goodlet.

  1. Yik Yak
    1. Review of pros/cons document
    2. Update from Gail on her conversation with Yik Yak’s chief counsel:
      1. They have evolved to be a model for best practice in moderating the app.
      2. There is power in a strong community response.  The Yaks always go away after a while, an issue is that people take screen shots and post them elsewhere.
      3. Response to subpoena: they have a law enforcement response team, who responds to every request.  They have record of the current subpoena, but couldn’t say more because it is an active investigation.
      4. We will wait to discuss our final recommendation until students on the commission are present, and to allow time to learn more from Yik Yak.
  2. Town hall planning
    1. Dates have been identified and posted to the commission webpage.
    2. President Seligman plans to attend all meetings that work with his calendar, as will Rich and Paul.  Commission members are encouraged to attend as well.
    3. Meetings will be recorded and transcribed.  Transcriptions will be posted on the commission website.
  3. Inventories of programs and initiatives that have strengthened our climate to be completed by 1/11/16.
  4. Data: review of student demographic data
  5. Interim report
  6. Discussion
    1. Subgroup led by Myra and Nancy to develop focus groups
    2. Linda, Tony and Vivian want to engage some commission members to help review findings from the faculty, staff and graduate student survey.
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