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Joel Seligman
October 11, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Interdisciplinary Fund

To:    University Community Re:   Interdisciplinary Fund I am today publicly announcing the creation of a new Interdisciplinary Fund to support faculty research involving two or more disciplines that will become…

Joel Seligman
September 4, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Annual Report to the Faculty Senate

View/print presentation We have just completed a terrific year at the University of Rochester, and another great year is beginning. For the fifth year in a row, admissions applications to…

Joel Seligman
September 4, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Welcome Back to Campus

To:   University Students Welcome back to campus! We have just completed a terrific year, and I am optimistic that the coming year can be equally great. For the fifth year in…

Joel Seligman
August 21, 2007 | 09:29 pm

A Personal Message from the President

To:    The University Community I’m writing to let you know that within the past few days I have been diagnosed with a treatable and curable form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Our…

Joel Seligman
June 5, 2007 | 09:29 pm

The University and the Community

Remarks at the Garden Party, Memorial Art Gallery The year 2006-2007 was a year of notable developments at the University of Rochester. In August 2006, our University was listed as…

Joel Seligman
June 1, 2007 | 09:29 pm

First Annual Report on Diversity

I am delighted to provide the University of Rochester community the First Annual Report on Diversity. During the 2006-07 academic year, the University of Rochester began a new faculty diversity…

Joel Seligman
May 22, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Ralph Kuncl Named Provost

Remarks by Joel Seligman, President I am delighted to announce the selection of Ralph W. Kuncl, current Provost and Professor of Biology at Bryn Mawr College and Professor of Neurology…

Joel Seligman
May 14, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Faculty Honors and Awards 2006-07

The University is proud to congratulate those faculty and students who have earned national recognition and teaching awards during the past academic year. See the complete congratulatory announcement

Joel Seligman
April 16, 2007 | 09:29 pm

The Tragedy at Virginia Tech

To:        The University Community From:   Joel Seligman The hearts of all of us at the University of Rochester go out to the Virginia Tech community which has suffered…

Joel Seligman
January 25, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Milestones of an Impressive Year

Print “A Message to the University Community”(.pdf) As we mark the halfway point of the 2006–2007 academic year, I wanted to highlight some of the milestones of what has been…

Joel Seligman
January 25, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Our University in a Global Economic Crisis

The global economic crisis has now reached historic proportions not seen in this country since the banking holiday of 1933. It is understandable that many in our University community may…

Joel Seligman
January 24, 2007 | 09:29 pm

A Message to the University Community: Dr. Mac Evarts

Related Links Dr. Evarts’ letter to President Seligman President Seligman’s response to Dr. Evarts President’s letter nominating Dr. Evarts for a Distinguished University Professorship Today’s news release on this topic…

Joel Seligman
January 8, 2007 | 09:29 pm

Employee Health Insurance Plans

To:  The University Community Few employee benefits are more valued than health care insurance. Because of this University’s awareness of the importance of health care insurance to our employees, we…

Joel Seligman
December 15, 2006 | 09:29 pm

Provost Search

Related Links Office of the President Office of the Provost About the University Virtual Tour 2005-2006 Annual Report Provost Search – News Releases Provost Search – Search Committee Provost Search…

Joel Seligman
October 17, 2006 | 09:29 pm

Task Force on Faculty Diversity and Inclusiveness

Read the complete report Announcement of Task Force on Faculty Diversity and Inclusiveness (February 2006) I am today adopting the 31 recommendations unanimously recommended by Task Force on Faculty Diversity and…

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