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Eastman School of Music Dean Search Committee

To:  Eastman School of Music Community

I am pleased to announce the Search Committee to advise me about the selection of the new Dean of the Eastman School of Music. The Committee is composed of Bonnie Boyd, Paul Burgett (chair), Charles Castleman, John Covach, Harold Danko, Richard Grunow, Benton Hess, David Higgs, Betsy Marvin, Bob Morris, Joanna Olmsted, Jean Pedersen, Mark Scatterday, Nelita True, Tim Ying, and Gretchen Wheelock. To ensure a balance of views throughout the School, the committee includes a faculty member from each of the 13 Eastman departments, as well as a faculty representative from the College Department of Music and Interim Dean of the College, Joanna Olmsted, who brings the perspective of someone who has served as a dean.

Separately I am also forming an Eastman School of Music Board of Managers Advisory Committee that will be composed of George W. Hamlin IV (chair), Harry P. Messina Jr., Ronald Salluzzo, and Betty Strasenburgh.

I anticipate that the main Search Committee will have only one formal meeting during the balance of this semester to review a position description/specification and consider whether the Committee will hire a search consultant. Most of the work of this Committee, including reducing the list of candidates to semifinalists and finalists, interviewing candidates and ultimately offering views as to the preferable candidate to be the next Dean, will occur in the fall semester. Finalists will also be interviewed by representatives of the untenured faculty, senior administrators, a student advisory committee, and the Eastman School of Music Board of Managers Advisory Committee.

My preference in this search is to choose the best candidate for the position whether he or she is an insider or an outsider. In each search completed to date I have benefited significantly from the opinions of the Search Committee, particularly as to how to define the position and which of the candidates for the position was best qualified. I have also found that hearing the views of a Board Advisory Committee, as well as representatives of untenured faculty, senior administrators, and a student advisory committee has helped ensure the best informed choice. Because of the importance of being able to attract the strongest possible pool of candidates, the selection process will proceed in confidence until the final announcement. When the position description/position specification is posted, however, everyone in the Eastman community will have the opportunity to nominate individuals that he or she thinks would be appropriate to be the next Dean.

I can think of no service that is of greater significance to Eastman in the foreseeable future than to help select its next Dean. I am very grateful to the members of this outstanding Search Committee and the Eastman School of Music Board of Managers Advisory Committee for agreeing to serve.

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