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New Employee Health Plans

I want to share with you some changes to the University’s employee health plans that are being considered for this fall’s open enrollment. These changes are aimed at:

  1. Simplifying employees’ health plan options, but continuing to offer choices of plans and providers;
  2. Helping control rising costs for employees and the University;
  3. Maintaining access to high-quality providers, as well as health and wellness offerings; and
  4. Helping the University adjust to the new health care environment that our hospitals and physicians are facing.

For more than a year, the Health Plan Committee—a group of leaders from throughout the University—has been working with input from representatives from the Faculty Senate Executive, Benefits, and Budget Committees to address the challenges facing the University as an employer, namely the rising cost of health insurance for our growing employee base, as well as new requirements for health care coverage. How can we mitigate the 8 percent rise in health care coverage that’s expected nationally? How can we simplify our offerings to make it easier for employees to choose the right plans for themselves and their families?

At the same time, the University as a health care provider is adapting to dramatic changes in the health care marketplace driven by health reform. Because the University is both a consumer of health care and a nationally recognized provider of health care, we have a unique vantage point—and the opportunity for more creative, affordable solutions within the University family.

We are considering two fundamental changes. First, we would continue to work with both Aetna and Excellus, but we would simplify into two plans instead of four. There would be a plan much like our current copay plan, and a Health Savings Account (HSA)-eligible plan. Seventy percent of our employees currently choose these plans already.

Second, we would give employees the opportunity to save money when they seek care within the University’s own growing health care network, Accountable Health Partners. Formed about 18 months ago, Accountable Health Partners includes a mix of 1,600 faculty and community physicians, as well as Strong Memorial Hospital, Highland Hospital, F.F. Thompson Hospital, Noyes Memorial Hospital, Jones Memorial Hospital, and Arnot Ogden Medical Center. These providers will coordinate closely with our health and wellness programs to help you save money by remaining healthy. More information is available on the Accountable Health Partners website.

Employees will still be free to see providers within the broader Aetna and Excellus networks, but anytime they receive care from an Accountable Health Partners provider, they will enjoy lower copays, deductibles, and coinsurance. That decision can be made each time you or your family member seeks care. While no one covered by the University health plans would be required to change his or her doctor or hospital, a Call Center will be available to connect you with an Accountable Health Partners provider if you wish.

Groups of leaders and employees from throughout the University are now being asked to review these proposed changes and provide more feedback.

Because this will be an entirely new health plan lineup, you will be required during open enrollment in October to actively review your current benefits, consider your options, and make the choices that best serve you and your family. Your current coverage will not continue unless you actively make a decision during open enrollment.

Once this year’s plan offerings are finalized and open enrollment begins in October, there will be many resources available to answer your questions and help you understand the options. Please continue to look to @Rochester, the Medical Center’s intranet and URMC This Week emails, and Currents for updates, events, and further announcements as we near open enrollment. Full enrollment packages will be mailed to each eligible employee in early October, and Ask-URHR ( is also available for general benefits questions.

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