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Statement from Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council Co-Chairs Joel Seligman and Danny Wegman on the 2013-2014 New York State Executive Budget Agreement

Last night in Albany legislative leaders and Governor Andrew Cuomo agreed upon a framework for the state budget.  The agreement builds upon the state’s innovative economic development vision and makes critical investments that will spur growth and strengthen our state’s national and international competitiveness.

Specifically, the budget agreement continues to fund the Regional Economic Development Council program, an effort that has led to an unprecedented level of collaboration in our region and has enabled us to make essential investments in research and development, technology commercialization, industrial and community development, workforce training, and small business growth.

The budget agreement also funds new economic development initiatives that will strengthen industry and academic partnerships and create the next generation of high tech companies, train our workforce for the jobs of the future, make New York State a leader in alternative energy and sustainability, help market Finger Lakes tourism destinations and agricultural products, and reduce cost and red tape for businesses.

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