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Statement on a Safe Community

In the aftermath of disturbing revelations about sexual abuse of minors alleged to have occurred at Penn State and Syracuse last year, I asked our Office of Counsel to review reports made at our University during the past 20 years that might be classified as sexual abuse.   The Office has now completed a review of Security and Human Resources records and had discussions with representatives of Security, Human Resources, the Deans of Students, the Athletics Department and others who might have relevant information.   The review has provided me assurance that we currently have in place systems and people who will effectively address situations when they are brought to our attention.

The key to the most effective systems of deterrence and compliance is that problems must be brought to the attention of those at the University who are in a position to investigate and act if required.

I want today to emphatically reaffirm a responsibility that all members of the University community already presumably understand.  It is the responsibility of all of us, individually and collectively, to ensure that University of Rochester is a safe place for every community member.   We do not tolerate or look away from situations of abuse.  We are committed to being the best possible place to work or study.

If you know about a situation involving abuse of any kind occurring at the University of Rochester, please inform Security (275-1313) or the Hotline (756-8888).  If your call involves an emergency, please call Security, not the Hotline.  Rape counseling services are available for rape victims from the Rape Crisis Service (546-2777).

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