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Federal Government Shutdown: – Immediate Implications for the University


Last night the Congress failed to adopt a Continuing Resolution that would have provided support for federal programs.   In the next few weeks, Congress and the President also will face major decisions with respect to next year’s budget as well as an inability to spend above the current debt ceiling that will be reached on or about October 17th.

In this atmosphere of considerable uncertainty, let me communicate what we currently know about the implications for our University in the near term:

  • The University has sufficient resources so that it can address its immediate obligations in the absence of payments from the federal government.
  • The federal government shutdown, for example, will not have any immediate implications for our employees.
  • For students currently receiving financial aid from the federal government, there will be no immediate implications of the shutdown.
  • For the immediate period, there is not likely to be disruption in Medicaid or Medicare payments.
  • While each federal agency that sponsors research has issued its own guidelines, all grant activity can continue as normal for the immediate term.  We will continue to monitor developments in Washington and issue further guidance when we can.

We do not know how this or subsequent key budget issues will play out during the next few weeks or months.
There may be implications such as partial payments on existing sponsored research or other programs – but such eventualities now are speculative.

If unforeseen difficulties arise, employees should not hesitate to bring the problem to their supervisor or dean; students should not hesitate to contact appropriate University administrators.

I and others throughout the University will provide updates to you as events unfold.

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