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Appointment of Holly Crawford as Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer

To:             The University Community
From:         Joel Seligman

With the unanimous support of the University of Rochester Board of Trustees at our Board meeting earlier this month, I am appointing Holly Crawford to succeed Ron Paprocki as Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer of our University.  Holly today serves as Senior Associate Vice President for Budgets and Planning and Deputy to the Senior Vice President and CFO.  She is Ron’s top associate.  Holly’s appointment will begin January 15, 2016, the day Ron Paprocki retires.

Holly’s appointment comes after a comprehensive national search.  Let me express my gratitude to the members of the search committee, which I chaired:

  • David Bushinsky, John J. Kuiper Distinguished Professor, Department of Medicine; Chief of the Nephrology Unit, Strong Memorial Hospital; Chair, Faculty Senate Budget Committee; and Member, Faculty Senate Benefits Committee
  • Rob Clark, Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • David Kirshner, CFO, University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Peter Lennie, Provost and Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences and Engineering
  • Gail Norris, Vice President and General Counsel
  • Doug Phillips, Senior Vice President for Institutional Resources
  • Peter Robinson, Vice President and COO, University of Rochester Medical Center; Vice President, Government and Community Relations
  • Mark Taubman, CEO of the University of Rochester Medical Center and Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Lamar Murphy, General Secretary and Chief of Staff

Let me also thank the outstanding Trustees Advisory Committee chaired by John Davidson and including Bill Carpenter, Lance Drummond, Roger Friedlander, Bob Keegan, Tom Sloan, Kathy Waller, and Roy Whitney.

We were ably assisted by search firm Russell Reynolds, whose consultants brought considerable experience not only with administration and finance searches in higher education, but also in corporate, government, and nonprofit organizations.  Among others who were interviewed or considered were chief financial officers at research universities, a leading academic medical center, publically traded corporations, and government officials.  No preference was given to any candidate because of prior employment at the University.  We sought the best person for the job.

Both search committees and I are convinced that Holly Crawford is the best person for the job.  Since beginning at the University in 1998 as Director of University Audit, Holly has held ever increasing responsibilities for management of University finances, including serving as University Budget Director, playing lead roles in several University debt offerings since 2007, and leading efforts to secure New Market Tax Credits, which were decisive in allowing us to proceed with Eastman Theatre expansion and renovation.  In recent years she has had responsibility for working with the schools in developing and refining their annual budgets and strategic plans.  She has been deeply involved in the development of business plans for new projects and in University risk management.

As Senior Associate Vice President for Budgets and Planning, Holly has been responsible for the coordination and presentation of the University’s $3.4 billion budget, including the operating budget, capital budget, and financial projections.

As Deputy to the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Holly serves as Ron Paprocki’s principal advisor on financial planning, facilities, and administrative matters.  Since 2009, Holly has worked hand in glove with Ron on every aspect of the College Town project.  She coordinated University efforts during the development and 2014 opening of the Brooks Crossing residence hall.  When Ron has not been available, Holly has been the University point person on campus emergencies and key projects.

In unanimously supporting this promotion, several Board members stressed the value of continuity and momentum in our financial and operational systems.  Holly was the stand-out candidate in terms of already having had experience at both the technical and strategic levels in all administration and finance areas and having a proven track record of success in implementing University initiatives.  She has strong relationships with administrative and financial colleagues across the institution, with divisional leaders, and with outside partners, including investment bankers and rating agencies.  She will hit the ground running.  She starts with a nuanced and complete understanding of our University.

In working with Holly during the past ten years, I have been consistently impressed by her intelligence, integrity, and work ethic.  She gets things done.  She always does them fairly and by listening to all relevant parties.

We have in recent years achieved notable progress in strengthening our finances by increasing our endowment, lowering our tuition increases, achieving an effective balance between our objectives of being an ever better academic university and ensuring that we have sustainable financial resources.

I have no question that under Holly this progress will continue.  She has long helped to develop and implement our systems of administration and finance.

Holly is not just ready for the job.  The results of our national search affirmed that she has earned it.

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