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2008 University of Rochester United Way Red Cross Campaign

To:          The University Community
From:     President Joel Seligman

Thank you for your support of our United Way campaign. With three short weeks left in the campaign, we still have a significant opportunity to show our leadership in supporting the Rochester community through our support of the United Way. To date we have raised $1.1 million, representing 79 percent toward our goal of $ 1.4 million.

Our relationship with the United Way is unique. As the area’s largest employer, our collective support of the United Way has a direct correlation to the success or failure of the overall community campaign. Our support of the United Way is also a visible, concrete testament of our commitment to give back to the community whose support we depend upon for achieving many of our strategic initiatives. Furthermore, three of our programs, the Mt. Hope Family Center, Meals on Wheels, and Baby Love, as well as important clinical services, such as those provided by our Golisano Children’s Hospital and the Wilmot Cancer Center, depend upon more than $1.6 million in United Way support.

With your assistance, I know we will reach our goal. Should you have any questions, please contact Campaign Director Andrea Lennon at 275-0301 or visit the campaign Web site at

Thank you.

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