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The Tragedy at Virginia Tech

To:        The University Community
From:   Joel Seligman

The hearts of all of us at the University of Rochester go out to the Virginia Tech community which has suffered a grievous and terrible loss earlier today. Horrific events such as this touch all of us with particular force both because they are so horrifying and because they seem to defy our ability to understand what would have prompted any individual to engage in such unwarranted and terrible violence. Today we all grieve with the students, faculty, and staff of Virginia Tech.

In the coming days much more will be known about this terrible tragedy. It is important, however, today to rearticulate this University’s commitment to provide a safe and secure campus for all who work and live in the University of Rochester community.

The tragedy at Virginia Tech compounds the grief that our University community is already experiencing over the recent suicide of one of our students and the accidental death of the 14 year old son of a faculty member. For those in our community who would like to seek support, some of the University resources available include:

  • University Counseling Center 275-3113
  • Interfaith Chapel 275-4321
  • Employee Assistance Program 475-0432
  • Dean of Students 275-4085
  • Emergency Resources 275-3333
  • Residential Life
    • Quad 275-5685
    • SBA 275-8764
    • Upperclass area 273-5853
    • Main Residential Life Office 275-3166
    • ResLife Emergency person 469-5900
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