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Posts categorized Provost’s Messages

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Provost’s Messages
August 9, 2022 | 04:42 pm

University resources for monkeypox (MPV)

This message was sent via email to the University community on August 9, 2022 Dear University Community, Cases of monkeypox (MPV) continue to rise in several parts of the country,…

Provost’s Messages
June 29, 2022 | 08:59 am

Message from incoming provost David Figlio

Dear members of the University of Rochester community, I’m thrilled to join the University as your provost this Friday. While I am new to the University and to the Rochester…

Provost’s Messages
January 5, 2022 | 10:23 pm

Follow Up to Faculty on Spring 2022 Message

Dear colleagues, To say that the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the ways we teach, conduct research, and learn would be an understatement. I recognize the continuous need to be flexible,…

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