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Data Governance

Introducing Data Standards: Organizational Naming

As we work to make data more comparable and interoperable across the university, the Data Governance and Support office will be proposing standard representations for common data elements used by the university community. These standards are then presented to the Data Governance Council for approval. Once a final version is approved, they become part of the Enterprise Architecture repository. We will also be publishing that information here with supporting documentation to make these standards easy to use.

We recommend that standards be adopted when new processes or platforms are developed or existing ones undergo significant updates.

Questions can be addressed to the DGSO.

Organizational Naming Standard


  • The short name and single token name  standards are to be used  for interoperability and consistency for labeling within university business processes.
  • For externally shared print and online publications, refer to the University style guide.


Official NameShort NameSingle Token NameNotes
University of RochesterUofRUR (see note)The single token name is only to be used in certain use cases, such as internal technology systems that have technical data limitations for fields. 

Style Guide Notes:
“University,” when referring to the University of Rochester, is always capitalized.

“Rochester” may be used to refer to the University of Rochester when the meaning is clear.

For external audiences or in materials where the reference needs to be clear or consistent with references to other organizations, use University of Rochester on first reference.

Do not use the abbreviation UR or U of R to refer to the University in formal writing.

When “the” precedes “University of Rochester” or “University” in running text, it is not capitalized.

Note: the “the” is not part of the University’s official name.
the Collegethe CollegeCOLStyle Guide Notes:
Capitalize “College” when referring to the principal undergraduate unit of Arts, Sciences & Engineering.

When used in text, lowercase “the” and capitalize “College.” Use of “the College” is acceptable on first reference in most materials.
Arts, Sciences & EngineeringAS&EASEStyle Guide Notes:
The academic unit comprises undergraduate and graduate programs. Its units include the College (the academic and cocurricular programs for undergraduates), the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, and the School of Arts & Sciences.

Note: do not refer to Arts, Sciences & Engineering as “the College of Arts, Sciences & Engineering.” Do not abbreviate as AS&E in formal writing. While most of the unit’s programs are on the River Campus, do not use “Arts, Sciences & Engineering” as synonymous with “the River Campus.”   Explicitly uses ‘&’ instead of ‘and’
Eastman Institute for Oral HealthEIOHEIOHReferencing the name “Eastman” within the Medical Center is colloquially interpreted to mean Eastman Institute of Oral Health, not Eastman School of Music and visa versa. Therefore, users are encouraged to be distinctive when communicating, especially with people from across the Enterprise or external parties.  
Eastman School of MusicEastmanESMReferencing the name “Eastman” within the Medical Center is colloquially interpreted to mean Eastman Institute of Oral Health, not Eastman School of Music and visa versa. Therefore, users are encouraged to be distinctive when communicating, especially with people from across the Enterprise or external parties.  

Style Guide Notes:
May be shortened to Eastman on second reference. Do not abbreviate to ESM in formal writing.
Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
acceptable alternative:
Hajim School
HajimHSEASStyle Guide Notes:
May be referred to as the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences or the Hajim School, depending on the context and the audience. Explicitly uses ‘&’ instead of ‘and’
School of Arts & SciencesArts & SciencesSASStyle Guide Notes:
Explicitly uses ‘&’ instead of ‘and’
School of Medicine and DentistrySMDSMDStyle Guide Notes:
Capitalize when the complete official name is used. Do not capitalize references to “the medical school.”

Do not abbreviate as SMD in formal writing. Explicitly uses ‘and’ instead of ‘&’
School of NursingSONSONStyle Guide Notes:
Capitalize when the complete official name is used. Do not capitalize references to “the nursing school.”

Do not abbreviate as SON in formal writing.
William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration
acceptable alternative:
Simon Business School
SimonSBSStyle Guide Notes:
Simon Business School can be used for William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration on first reference.
Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development
acceptable alternative:
Warner School of Education
WarnerWSEStyle Guide Notes:
Warner School of Education can be used for the Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development on first reference.

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