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Dear Faculty,

The events of recent weeks have taken a toll on our University community. The terrorist attack on Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza have drawn the world’s attention and contributed to an increase in polarized rhetoric that only raises our collective sense of anxiety and tension. Closer to home, the racist vandalism at Simon and the loss of Professor Heikki Rantakari have had resounding impacts across our institution and added to the deep grief and fear many of our students are facing.

We also want to acknowledge that many of you are feeling the same grief, insecurity, and fear. You are not alone. Anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, and anti-Black hate leave devastating scars, regardless of your cultural, ethnic, or religious background. The spike in calls to the University’s CARE Network is just one indication of the pain so many are feeling.

As faculty, we encourage you to continue to be supportive and understanding of our students who are struggling. The grace you give them now could well be one of the most important lessons they learn at Rochester.

We also encourage to take care of yourselves and one another, and to allow your colleagues and coworkers the same grace and space as we live and witness these challenging times.


David Figlio
Provost and Gordon Fyfe Professor of Economics and Education
University of Rochester

Mark B. Taubman, M.D.
CEO, University of Rochester Medical Center
Dean, School of Medicine and Dentistry
University SVP for Health Sciences

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