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UR Faculty Frequently Asked Questions

Explore frequently asked questions for the UR Faculty tool, segmented by topic and user role.


What is the direct link to University of Rochester’s Interfolio account?

The direct link to University of Rochester’s Interfolio account is:

Please use your University of Rochester credentials to log in.

The system does not recognize me as a user and I can’t log in. What should I do?

In order to access UR Faculty, you must be in the UR Faculty user database. If you are having trouble logging in, email to verify if you’ve been added as a user or not.

Do I have to click on “Sign in with Partner Institution” when signing in?

The direct link included in the “Sign In” section of the user guide lets you skip selecting the institution and connects you directly to University of Rochester’s Interfolio site.

However, if you are accessing UR Faculty in a different way (for example, from, then you need to click on “Sign in with Partner Institution”, search for “University of Rochester”, then proceed to sign in with your University of Rochester credentials.

I am getting a stale request error on my browser when I try to use Interfolio. What should I do?

For the best user experience, make sure that you are using the Chrome or Firefox browser and that it is up to date. Interfolio does not work on Internet Explorer and other browsers such as Safari may also cause issues.

What are the different modules within UR Faculty and what do they do?

UR Faculty is broken up into four modules, which are being rolled out module by module.

  1. Faculty Search: recruiting module
  2. Appointment Management (referred to as Lifecycle Management within Interfolio): faculty appointment data module
  3. Review, Promotion & Tenure: workflow module
  4. Faculty Activity Data (referred to as Faculty Activity Reporting within Interfolio): faculty activity database and reporting tools module
What are the various user roles within Faculty Search?

There are three main user roles within Faculty Search: Administrator, Committee Manager, and Evaluator.

Here is a breakdown of what each of these user roles has permission to do: Interfolio — User Roles in Interfolio Faculty Search


My position has been approved by the Faculty Affairs Officer. What should I do next?

After your position has been approved, there are two things you should do next:

  1. Publish the position.
  2. Set an initial position status.
What should I enter in the Salary Range field if the position is open rank?

Please contact the Faculty Affairs Officer in the Dean’s Office at your school for assistance with salary range questions.

My position was approved, but the URL for my position does not work. What should I do?

You have to click on “Publish” for your position to be live and to activate the URL. Once your position is approved, go to the position profile and click on the “Publish” button.

I want to deactivate my published position so that it is no longer accessible to applicants, but I am not ready to close it yet. What should I do?

Go to the position profile and click on “Unpublish”. This will deactivate the position URL, ensuring that no new applicants can apply.

I am trying to add a Committee Manager to my search committee, but I can’t find the person I’m looking for.

To add a Committee Manager to a search committee, the individual needs to both be in the UR Faculty user database and be assigned a Committee Manager role. First, check that the person is in UR Faculty by clicking on “Users & Groups” from the left menu, ensuring that the “Users” tab is selected, and searching for their name. If they are not in the system, send an add user request to (include user’s name, email address, URID if possible, school/department, and role within UR Faculty).

If the individual is already in the system, you need to assign them a Committee Manager role. In “Users & Groups” under the “Users” tab, click on the individual’s name. In the bottom half of the screen under the “Permissions” tab, click on “Add Role”. Select the appropriate unit, and for role, select “Committee Manager”. Now you will be able to add them as a Committee Manager to your search committee.

When do applicants receive email notifications?

Please visit this link for a breakdown of actions that trigger email notifications: Interfolio — Automated Email Notifications

I am trying to email all applicants for my position, but the email applicant window is cut off at the bottom when there are too many recipients and I am not able to scroll down to click on send. What should I do?

Adjust the zoom on your browser page. You will be able to access the send button when the page is zoomed out.

My position has been approved and published, but why can’t Evaluators see the position when they log in?

Make sure the status of the position has been updated to one that allows Evaluators to review applications (“In Progress” or “Accepting Applications” are good options). Also, ensure that the Evaluator has been added as a member of the search committee (click on “Position Actions” and then “View Committee”).

What is the difference between “Confidential Letter of Recommendation” and “Non-Confidential Letter of Recommendation”?

In the Required Documents section if you select “Non-confidential Letter of Recommendation” the applicants will be allowed to upload recommendation letters themselves. If you select “Confidential Letter of Recommendation”, Interfolio will ask the applicants to enter names/email addresses of letter writers of their choice and then send automatic letter requests to those letter writers. When the letter writers submit the letters, they show up in the applicant’s profile in UR Faculty. They’re confidential because the applicant does not get to see those letters.

How do I know if a position status or application status is visible to the applicant or not?

Whenever you update the status of a position or application, a pop-up window will appear notifying you of the visibility settings of that status.

Can I edit a position after it has been published?

Yes, you can edit a position after it has been published. Major changes to the position will trigger an email notification to the Faculty Affairs Officer.


I am an Evaluator who is assigned to a position. But when I log in and click on “positions”, why don’t I see anything?

The position you are assigned to may not have been approved yet. Please check with the creator of the position (the administrator) to inquire about the status of the position.

How do I know if my tags, ratings, comments, and annotations are visible to others or not?

Please refer to the details below, based on feature.

  • Tags (blind review on OR off)
    • Who can see: You, other evaluators, committee manager, administrator
    • Who can NOT see: Applicant
  • Ratings (blind review on)
    • Who can see: You, committee manager, administrator
    • Who can NOT see: Other evaluators, applicant
    • Note: Other evaluators can see a SUMMARY rating
  • Ratings (blind review off)
    • Who can see: You, other evaluators, committee manager, administrator
    • Who can NOT see: Applicant
  • Comments (blind review on)
    • Who can see: You, committee manager, administrator
    • Who can NOT see: Other evaluators, applicant
  • Comments (blind review off)
    • Who can see: You, other evaluators, committee manager, administrator
    • Who can NOT see: Applicant
  • Annotations in Document Reader (blind review on OR off)
    • Who can see: Only you
    • Who can NOT see: Other evaluators, committee manager, administrator, applicant

Please check with the administrator of the position to find out if blind review is turned on or off for the position.

How do I filter down the applicant pool?

The applicant pool on the position profile page can be filtered by various data points. Click on “filter” and choose the data points you want to focus on. You can click on “columns” for more options. You can also click on “filter by form responses” and select a specific question on the applicant form and filter by that. You can click on “save” to save the current filter view for easy access in the future.

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