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Weapons policy

The University is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment in which to conduct educational and research activities. This requires minimizing the risk of injury or death associated with intentional or accidental use of weapons.


Students are not permitted to possess or imply possession of a weapon anywhere on property owned, leased or controlled by the University of Rochester. A weapon is any instrument that is used to inflict physical harm, is intended to be used to inflict harm, or could reasonably cause fear of infliction of harm, including any item that may be deemed a weapon under applicable law.

Examples include, but are not limited to: pistols, revolvers, shotguns, rifles, firearms, stun guns, BB or pellet guns, tasers, bows and arrows, and other instruments that launch projectiles, including electric dart guns and paintball guns, as well as parts or ammunition relating to any of the above; martial arts tools, brass knuckles, daggers, swords, and knives, bombs, grenades, mines, explosives, or incendiary devices (which can include ignitiondevices and aerosols). A disarmed weapon still counts as a weapon.

The determination of whether an item is considered a weapon for the purposes of this policy will be made on the totality of the circumstances surrounding the item’s possession and use. For example, an ordinary kitchen knife used for food preparation would not be considered a weapon in connection with that use. If there are questions about whether a given itemcounts as a weapon, students should contact the Center for Student Conflict Management for clarification before bringing the item to campus.


Faculty and staff

No weapons of any type (firearms, bb or pellet guns, double-edged knives, bows and arrows, stun guns, paintball guns and the like) are allowed on University property. If a weapon isdiscovered, Public Safety staff will confiscate it and turn the item over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Possession could result in arrest, suspension, or expulsion from school, and/or termination of employment.

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