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Missing persons and violent felonies

We strive to maintain a safe and secure environment by working with our community on protective measures to prevent violent crimes, to stop violent crimes in progress, and to facilitate follow-up care and service to victims. For these reasons, we take seriously all reports or inquiries related to the prospect of someone in our community thought to be missing. We will immediately file an incident report and coordinate our staff efforts with the appropriate law enforcement agency in an effort to locate the person or initiate a follow-up investigation.

Well-prepared individuals take the time to share travel or extended absence plans with trusted family, friends, or roommates, including changes. Frequently, first reports of a missing person are due to a change in plans unknown to those who care about you. Be considerate of persons who participate in your individual personal safety plan, and notify them of your schedule changes. Then, if an accident or other untoward event occurs, those you have entrusted can be of prompt help to responders attempting to render aid.

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