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Alcohol and other drugs regulations, violations, resources

The Drug-free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require an institution of higher education, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, to certify that it has adopted and implemented a drug prevention program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.

Alcohol regulations

  • Alcohol may be served only to those 21 years of age or
  • Drinking of alcohol is prohibited in all University public spaces and grounds except at registered events.
  • Any group, formal or informal, planning an event where alcohol is to be served must comply with regulations on each campus for host training, registering the event, controlling the service of alcohol, service hours, the sale of alcohol, attendance, food and beverage quantities, BYO events, and advertising. Public Safety staff conduct checks of events to verify that University regulations are being followed.

Consequences of violations

The University Student Alcohol Policy has been adopted with the letter and spirit of the New York State laws regulating alcoholic beverages and to address the special problems of alcohol use on the campus. The Center for Student Conflict Management (CSCM) in the Office of the Dean of students oversees the administration of the University Student Alcohol Policy and regulations. Violations will be adjudicated through the CSCM.

Individuals or groups who violate the University policy are subject to sanctions appropriate to their campuses.

Organizers of events where alcohol is served or individuals who serve alcohol at outside events are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations at their events. If the organizers do not exercise responsible control over the conduct of their guests, they may be held accountable in campus judicial proceedings in addition to any applicable civil or criminal process. An electronic copy of the full University Student Alcohol Policy is available at

Related policies

Drug-free workplace-controlled substance policy (#171) The University is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment, and will not tolerate the unlawful possession and use of controlled substances (drugs) on its premises. The unlaw- ful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in and on University of Rochester owned or controlled property.

Pre-placement drug testing policy (#168) The University of Rochester is committed to providing a safe, healthful, and productive work environment for all employees. In conjunction with Policy 171, all final candidates for positions within Strong Memorial Hospital and other listed departments will be required to participate in a drug screening test. All offers will be made contingent upon completion of a drug test with a negative result. The University is committed to maintaining confidentiality and privacy of the individual.

University student alcohol policy The University permits responsible use of alcohol by those legally of age to purchase alcoholic beverages. The University does not condone irresponsible use of alcohol, regardless of age. Individuals who engage in irresponsible behavior, in which the use of alcohol is a related factor, will be subject to disciplinary action.

Individuals who engage in irresponsible behavior that violates University rules and regulations, damages property, or causes injury while using alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action.

CARE Network & Student Support Network

The CARE Network enables members of the University community to express their concern about a student, a bias-related incident, or a community concern. The CARE Network provides referrals to campus and community resources in order to promote the overall wellness and success of students.

A small group of professional staff, called the CARE team, gathers to review a private list of students who have been identified through the CARE Network. The CARE Team then works to identify any additional information that would assist in the support of these students.

The Student Support Network consists of staff from various campus offices who meet quarterly to discuss trends and current events in higher education, student experiences, and student support. Members of the Student Support Network also discuss topics related to professional development and how to best support faculty and staff who work closely with students.

The Student Support Network has representatives from: Residential Life and Housing (Undergraduate and Graduate), University Counseling Center, Interfaith Chapel, University Heath Service, International Services Office, Dean of Students, Public Safety, Center for Student Conflict Management, University Health Promotions, the College Center for Advising Services, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Financial Aid, Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, Athletics, Wilson Commons Student Activities, the Office of Minority Student Affairs, Kearns Center, Parent and Family Relations, Disability Resources, Admissions, and the Intercultural Center.

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