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AlertUR, part of a comprehensive system to provide emergency notification to the University community, is an emergency notification system that uses e-mails, cell phones, and other electronic devices to warn people of imminent danger. It is an extension of our Mass Notification Annex 6.10 within the River Campus Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.

System Testing
Two announced system tests of the AlertUR system occurred on September 8, 2022, and January 24, 2023.

Who will receive this service?
All undergraduate, graduate students, faculty and staff at the University are automatically enrolled by the University’s IT division when their online accounts are created.

What telephone number will be displayed to identify AlertUR as the caller?
An incoming call to the University community will display as the University’s telephone hotline number: 585-275-6111. Those receiving emergency alerts who want more information should go to the University’s emergency Web page at

In what other ways does the University notify students, faculty, and staff of campus emergencies?
In addition to the AlertUR system of rapid text messaging and voice notification, the University may use its telephone hotline (585-275- 6111), department and school telephone trees, blast and targeted email messages, the UR Mobile App, public address systems, voice mails, direct contact by runners and couriers, various web notices and security alerts, and other means to reach the University community.

Can all personal devices receive the messages?
AlertUR can interface with most communication devices, but numeric only pagers should not be used with the system, as it will populate an error message.  AlertUR is not able to contact international phone numbers at this time. AlertUR is a Web- based platform and all operating systems as long as they have internet connectivity can receive the messages, as well as TTY devices.

Where can questions or comments be sent about AlertUR?
Frequently Asked Questions can be found at

If you have suggestions or recommendations that you would like to share, please send them to University Communications at: 147 Wallis Hall, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0033, 585-275-4118, Fax: 585-275-0359,

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