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Information on crime statistics

In preparing the annual disclosure of crime statistics to the University community, information is obtained from the following sources:

  • University Public Safety
  • local police (Rochester Police, Brighton Police, Monroe County Sheriff’s Office)
  • campus authorities having significant responsibility for student activities
  • reports submitted by persons who have confidential knowledge

For disclosure purposes, crime statistics reported to any of these sources are counted in the calendar year the crime was reported.

A written request, with an accompanying background packet, is sent to all sources. At the University, these include a senior Dean for each college, Student Affairs and Athletics leaders, as well as other Directors or Department heads. Data is compiled and reported in “Think Safe”, which is published and distributed by Public Safety on behalf of the University. The full contents are available in paper and electronic form.

Copies of “Think Safe” are available to any interested party upon request.

The statistics in this publication are categorized in accordance with the guidelines in the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook or as provided, otherwise, by the federal Jeanne A. Clery Act. Information can also be found at

Notes For Statistical Tables

  • The University is committed to personal safety through education. Data include all reports to Public Safety, other campus authorities and outside public agencies.
  • The Title IX Coordinator manages a special outreach program to collect information on incidents that may not have been reported to Public Safety.
  • Tallies are based on dates of reporting and may differ slightly from those based on dates of occurrence.
  • Our statistics indicate that few arrests were made specifically for alcohol or drug law violations. These substances were factors present, at times, when arrests or other enforcement actions were taken for violations of criminal laws or campus codes of conduct. Misuses of substances does not absolve individuals of responsibility for their actions.
  • Statistics for referrals for alcohol and drug violations count the number of persons present at the time of a violation. Statistics are for referrals for disciplinary review and did not necessarily result in all being found culpable. Counts are taken from reports to the Dean of Students offices and Residential Life staff.
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