BME Graduate Diana Ladkany Awarded Tau Beta Pi Graduate Fellowship

May 5, 2010

Diana K. Ladkany, BME class of 2009, has received a graduate fellowship from Tau Beta Pi for the 2010-11 year. Tau Beta Pi, the world's largest engineering society, awarded Ladkany a cash stipend of $10,000 to pursue her medical education at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. An honors student, Ladkany is the president of the New York Kappa Chapter of Tau Beta Pi, a member of the Rochester Early Medical Scholars, a member of Phi Beta Kappa Academic Honor Society, and a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient. Tau Beta Pi membership represents the highest honor that can be obtained by an engineering student and is awarded on the basis of high scholarship and exemplary character. Tau Beta Pi Fellowships are awarded on the basis of high scholarship, campus leadership and service, and the promise of future contributions to the engineering profession.Through her junior and senior years, Diana has been involved in research on the effects of biomedical ultrasound on cellular processes as a member of Professor Diane Dalecki's laboratory.