RCBU Students Present at Kearns Research Symposium

July 26, 2013

Undergraduate students, Jacob VanderBurgh (BME) and Vincent Sayseng (BME), presented at the David T. Kearns Center Research Symposium on July 26, 2013. Both Jacob and Vincent are Xerox Undergraduate Research Fellows working in RCBU faculty laboratories. They each presented scientific posters of their summer research projects. Jacob, mentored by Professor Diane Dalecki and Professor Denise Hocking, presented his poster titled Development of a protocol to assess cell migration in hydrogels exposed to ultrasound standing wave fields. Vincent is working with Professor Stephen McAleavey and he presented his poster titled Simulation of refraction artifacts in shear wave estimation with curvilinear transducers. Both Vincent and Jacob will continue their research programs through the upcoming academic year as part of the Xerox Research Fellowship program.