Karla Mercado Attends NextProf Workshop

October 4, 2014

Karla Mercado attended the NextProf 2014 Future Faculty Workshop held at the University of Michigan from September 30th to October 3rd, where she gave a presentation on her doctoral research entitled “Developing high-frequency ultrasound imaging techniques to characterize 3-D engineered tissues.” The conference was sponsored by the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan and participants included deans, faculty, post-docs, and graduate students from across the nation.

The conference held sessions that provided guidance and tips for a successful career in academia, especially in engineering. Topics included: preparing for the faculty search process, promoting oneself, developing a teaching philosophy, building a research program, balancing work and personal life, managing time, making the most out of service responsibilities, and setting an effective writing schedule. The professors and administrators who moderated the sessions also shared personal experiences and lessons that they had learned throughout their academic careers. Participants were given a tour of their respective departments and research labs at the university.

“It was a very rewarding experience that exceeded my expectations.” Karla says, “After the conference, I had the opportunity to meet with the ultrasound group at the University of Michigan… overall my experience was invaluable and enlightening.”