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Go Green!

Go Green! Pledge Results

Thank you for joining the University community in pledging to Go Green

2,644 people have taken the Go Green pledge.
Results by Pledge

531recycle and put waste in the proper places.
402use rechargeable batteries whenever possible.
286use energy saving settings on my computer.
264volunteer or otherwise give back in my local community.
294attend and promote educational sessions about Sustainability.
376reduce paper consumption by utilizing web technology.
298use reusable containers for food instead of disposable items.
311right-size my meal to avoid food waste.
288go "meatless" once per week or more.
1475reduce my water consumption in the kitchen and bathroom.
1730share the experiences I've had with this pledge to educate my friends about sustainable behaviors.
1579use a reusable coffee mug and buy Fair Trade Coffee when available.
1756move around buildings more efficiently.
640buy used rather than buying brand new items and attempt to repurpose old items rather than throwing them out.
625use shared refrigerators, microwaves and coffee makers instead of personal appliances in my office or residence hall.
1617choose double–sided printing whenever possible.
1891use a reusable water bottle and not buy bottled water.
1563use alternative transportation when possible.
1937turn off the lights when leaving a room for more than 15 minutes.
1686use reusable bags and to reuse any plastic shopping bags that I already have.
