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Green Office Checklist

Our Green Office Checklist offers a quick list of steps you can take to ensure a more sustainable office environment and workplace. You can also review our Green Office Guide for more comprehensive and detailed guidance.

Explore the checklist below, or download and print the checklist.


Checklist for an eco-friendly office

Waste reduction and recycling

  • Place recycling bins where trash bins are present
  • Put recycling posters in common areas
  • Reuse and recycle packaging materials
  • Recycle other office materials per University guidelines


  • Buy materials in bulk and consolidate smaller orders into one order
  • Purchase durable and recyclable office supplies
  • Use University preferred vendors for supply and delivery services
  • Consider buying used office furniture and supplies from the University

Computing and printing

  • Reduce paper use and print double-sided
  • Avoid color printing whenever possible
  • Turn on sleep settings for all office equipment
  • Use postconsumer recycled paper for at least 30% of all office use


  • Turn off lights when leaving a room
  • Use smart power strips and/or unplug devices when not in use
  • Use natural light whenever possible
  • Keep windows closed when heating or cooling the building

Kitchen and catering

  • Kitchen has a set of reusable mugs, cups, and plates
  • Kitchen has reusable utensils available
  • Office space has easy access to clean and filtered tap water


  • Building has access to bike racks
  • Department encourages the use of ride sharing and alternative transportation
  • Teleconference when possible instead of commuting long distances
  • Carpool or rideshare when traveling to offsite locations

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Download this guidance

Save a document version of our Green Office Checklist to your computer. We encourage you to spread the word, too!

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