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UCC Groups


Spring 2024

Structured/Theme Groups


Fridays 11-12:30 pm                                        


Thursdays 5-6:30 pm

Description: The DBT group is open to co-ed graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in changing patterns of behavior that are no longer helpful. This group will teach and promote skills to effectively manage stress, anxiety, and other distressing emotions through an approach based in mindfulness. This mindfulness approach aims to balance self-acceptance with change. DBT is a compassionate type of behavioral therapy that is intended to help people move toward having a life that feels even more meaningful and worth living. Distress, emotional pain, interpersonal difficulties, and behavioral problems such as over- or under-eating, using substances, self-injuring, losing control, or “using-up” relationships can make it incredibly difficult to function. DBT targets the issues that cause distress and promotes coping skills that can be used in place of previously established self-defeating behaviors. It does so in a framework that helps us understand that we are doing the best we can even though we need to learn ways that work better.


Mondays 5-6:30 pm                                         


Thursdays 3:30-5:00 pm            

Description: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on exploring and learning skills to effectively address and/or alter the behavioral and thought patterns that often reinforce anxiety and depression symptoms and experiences.  This group uses a combination of training CBT management skills (such as relaxation, activity scheduling, identifying and challenging thoughts and beliefs, mindfulness, exposure, and more), experiential practice activities to help members implement and sustain the skills into their daily lives, and opportunities to discuss success and challenges throughout the process.  The specific focus on anxiety and/or depression rotates each semester.

Anxiety Toolbox Workshop

Fridays 1-2 pm

Anxiety Toolbox is a 3 week workshop focused on helping you understand anxiety symptoms and build skills to manage these symptoms. The sessions include modules dedicated to: (1) understanding anxiety, (2) introducing a method for slowing down and disentangling the experience of anxiety, and (3) developing alternative responses to anxiety.  By the end of the workshop, you will have your own individualized plan for managing anxiety.

Social Encounters Skills Lab

Mondays 2-3:30 pm

Description: Am I socially anxious, shy, just an introvert, or all three? As social animals, it is completely natural and adaptive to have anxiety in social situations (it means you care!). That being said, anxiety in social situations can get in the way.  In this group, you can connect with others dealing with similar issues and begin to build the skills and experiences necessary to thrive socially – whatever that might mean for you. This will be a safe and welcoming “laboratory” to experiment with new ways of coping and being social.  While it can be terrifying to join a group when you have social anxiety, it is also a powerful way to build strength and elicit change.

Therapeutic Writing Outreach Group

Mondays 4:30-6pm

Description: The healing power of writing has been long recognized. Therapeutic writing, such as journaling, can facilitate holistic well-being and self-reliance. There are many other reasons to write. You may write to get to know different parts of yourself, assess information stored in your subconscious and unconscious minds, recognize and track patterns and trends in your life, heal your relationships, and so forth. This therapeutic writing group provides a structured, intentional space and time for you to think and reflect deeper on yourself, your lived experiences, and the issues you may be dealing with. Whether you have experience with writing or journaling or not, you are welcome to join the group. In this group, you will have the opportunity to write and reflect through guided writing exercises, optional sharing, and facilitated discussion. By writing, reflecting, and processing your experiences, thoughts, and feelings in the group setting, you can gain new insights and learn different writing tools for coping and self-expression that are easy to practice on your own.


Process Groups

Undergraduate Process Group 

Tuesdays 5-6:30 pm

Graduate Process Group 

Tuesdays 3:30-5pm                                                      

Description: These groups are open to co-ed undergraduate students or graduate students, depending on the group. The purpose of an interpersonal/process group is to learn more about yourself and how you relate to others, to better understand how others perceive you, and to learn how to give and accept meaningful feedback. Members may share about themselves, relate to others’ experiences, and ask other members for feedback to learn about themselves and how others perceive them. A main goal for group members is to determine possible changes that might improve their connections and interactions with others and then begin making these changes.

 Chinese International Student Group

Fridays 2:00 – 3:30 pm

Description:  The purpose of this group is to foster a safe and supportive space for Chinese international students who grapple with various academic and cultural challenges, family issues, and interpersonal, career, and mental health concerns. The group will be led by two therapists who are also Chinese international students. Each week, we will unpack a critical issue associated with multiple life difficulties and psychological stress that Chinese students may experience. Members can expect to understand more about the presented mental health struggles and learn coping strategies to deal with various distress and support their overall well-being. Additionally, members will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and hear other perspectives.

Women’s Graduate Process Group

Mondays 3:30-5:00pm

Description: This group is open to graduate student women. The focus of the interpersonal/process group is to promote a wellness perspective in all areas of graduate life such as relationship, academic, family, social and personal conflicts and strengths. The goal of the group is to optimize personal and academic success by promoting self-awareness and connection to others.  Members may share about themselves, relate to others’ experiences, and ask other members for feedback to learn about themselves and how others perceive them.

Men’s Group

Wednesdays 3:30-5 pm            

Description:  This group is open to graduate and undergraduate student men. The focus of the interpersonal/process group is to promote a wellness perspective around men’s issues that impact any and all areas of student life such as relationships, academics, family, social and personal conflicts, identity development, and strengths. The goal of the group is to optimize personal and academic success by promoting self-awareness and connection to others.  Members may share about themselves, relate to others’ experiences, and ask other members for feedback to learn about themselves and how others perceive them.

LGBTQIA+ Process Group

Wednesdays 5-6:30 pm

Description: This group is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are members of the queer and trans community as well as those who are exploring their sexual and/or gender identity.  The purpose of this interpersonal process group is to learn more about yourself and how you relate to others, to learn how to give and accept meaningful feedback, to explore life challenges you may be facing—including marginalization and stigma. Additionally, this group will encourage members to explore resilience in our community and identify our own strategies for coping and thriving.


Tuesdays 3:30-5pm

Description: This interpersonal process group is designed for undergraduate and graduate students of color and bi/multiracial identities on campus who need a safe space to talk about their intersecting identities and ways to navigate the complexities of their experiences. The group will discuss the unique challenges participants face in their academic, professional, and personal lives. Members will share their personal experiences, give and receive feedback to each other, and empower themselves to succeed in all aspects of their lives. This will also increase their awareness of ways in which cultural and racial identities form their sense of self and their relationships.

Women of Color Group

Wednesdays 5-6:30pm  

Description:  This group is for undergraduate and graduate students who identify as “Women of Color” and want/need a safe space to talk about the ways in which their ethnic/cultural (and other intersecting identities) help to form their sense of self and impact their interactions in their academic and professional settings and their interpersonal relationships, including with family, peers, and romantic partners.  As members share their own personal experiences, and receive feedback and help to support others, they’ll gain insight and understanding, learn new ways to effectively cope with the challenges and struggles they face in life, and grow more empowered to succeed in all aspects of their lives.  

Survivors of Sexual Assault and/or Abuse

Mondays 5-6:30 pm

Description: While we acknowledge all genders experience sexual assault, this group is open to women students who have experienced sexual abuse or assault. The purpose of the Survivors of Sexual Abuse/Assault group is to increase connections and reconnections, overcome shame and stigma, and to gain understanding about oneself and one’s experience of sexual assault and/or abuse in a group of individuals who also have such experiences. Possible topics of discussion include: exploring how traumatic experiences can impact your sense of safety, trust, self-esteem and relationships, understanding feelings such as guilt, shame and anger; emotion regulation and self-care; connection and relationship building.


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