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Data Repository Decision Tree

This decision tree will help you determine which data repository you should use for your scientific data. You can also download and print a PDF version of this decision tree for reference. Get started with question #1 below.

Question #1: Does the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) specify a specific repository?

If YES: Use the repository specified in the FOA.

If NO: Proceed to question #2 below.

Question #2: Is there a discipline or data-type specific repository for your field of research? (e.g. dbGap)

If YES: Use the discipline-specific repository

If UNSURE: Check the NIH website for existing accepted discipline specific repositories.

If NO: Proceed to question #3 below.

Question #3: Is your dataset 2 GB or less?

If YES: Small datasets (up to 2GB) may be included as supplementary material for articles submitted to PubMed Central.

If NO: Use institutional repository for scientific data storage needs.

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