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NSPM-33 (National Security Presidential Memorandum-33)

NSPM-33 is a U.S. presidential directive issued in 2021. NSPM-33 requires all federal research funding agencies to strengthen and standardize disclosure requirements for federally funded awards. NSPM-33 also mandates the establishment of research security programs at certain research institutions receiving federal funds, which includes the University of Rochester.

While maintaining an open environment to foster research discoveries and innovation, NSPM-33 seeks to protect intellectual capital, discourage research misappropriation, and ensure responsible management of United States taxpayer dollars.


University of Rochester’s response

The University is closely monitoring NSPM-33 regulatory developments. The Office of the Vice President of Research has formed an NSPM-33 Working Group that will coordinate efforts across the University to ensure that the NSPM-33 requirements of a research security program are met.

Please review the University’s latest updates regarding NSPM-33 below.

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