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Disclosures to the University

Learn about disclosures that must be made to the University of Rochester as part of research security.


Conflict of Commitment and Interest Disclosure

The University’s Faculty Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy plays an important role in managing risks associated with research security. Federal funding agencies are increasingly focused on disclosure and transparency regarding relationships with foreign entities, including financial support received from foreign entities.

“Significant financial interests” must be disclosed in accordance with the Faculty Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy. Significant financial interest could include income from consulting activity with a foreign entity, participation in a foreign talent program, a simultaneous appointment at a foreign institution, gifts from a foreign person or entity that are received personally by an individual, or direct equity or ownership in foreign companies. Deans may require disclosure of all or a broader category of financial interests for their respective schools or units, even though they may not meet the definition of Significant Financial Interests. Individuals should contact their Dean or ORPA with questions about whether their financial interests require disclosure.

Financial conflicts of interest which are disclosed by University faculty and investigations in accordance with the Faculty Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy are reported by ORPA to federal sponsors in accordance with federal regulations.

The Faculty Conflict of Commitment and Interest Policy reporting form also requires that faculty and investigators disclose whether they are participating in a malign foreign talent recruitment program.

Simultaneous Appointments and Faculty Activities

The University’s Simultaneous Appointments Policy requires that University faculty disclose and receive approval for simultaneous appointments when the faculty member is being concurrently paid by the University. Similarly, requests for academic leave must be disclosed through an application process and prior approval.

Individual schools may have their own reporting requirements regarding faculty activities. For example, reporting is required on an annual basis of all Arts, Sciences & Engineering faculty activities through the Faculty Activity Report.


The Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) supports the proposal submission and post-award management of sponsored research projects and related agreements. ORPA can assist researchers with respect to questions regarding compliance associated with funded research projects involving international collaboration. It is advised to involve your ORPA RA early in the process if researchers are contemplating funded research collaborations with international partners.

Office of Global Engagement

The Office of Global Engagement supports the University’s international collaborations. Researchers and departments who are contemplating or negotiating cooperation agreements with international partners, collaboration agreements that may involve academic or research partnerships, or other agreements relating student exchange, faculty exchange, education abroad, or collaborative degree programs should first consult with the Office for Global Engagement.

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