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Venture for ClimateTech is Looking for its First Cohort

Are you working on a ClimateTech innovation? Venture For ClimateTech can help you validate your idea and potentially launch a viable business.

Venture For ClimateTech is a non-profit global venture studio + accelerator program. They source the most promising ClimateTech innovators from around the world and offer them hands-on support until they are ready for first customers, pilot runs, and investment. Throughout their annual cohort-based virtual program, founders will receive support to build strong teams and tackle commercialization challenges.

What kind of support can founders expect to receive while participating in the cohort?

  • Conduct customer discovery to test your innovation within true market realities.
  • Launch your ClimateTech business with up to $250,000 in non-dilutive funding.
  • Tap into ClimateTech’s diverse ecosystem and get help with early hires.

Applications for Venture For ClimateTech are now open. Apply by March 12, 2021.

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