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Koning Breast CT Nominated for Best Medical Technology

Koning Corporation’s breast computed tomography (KCBT 1000) system was nominated for Best Medical Technology at the 12th annual Prix Galien awards. The Prix Galien awards recognize outstanding achievements in improving the human condition through the development of innovative therapies. Worldwide, the Prix Galien is regarded as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in biopharmaceutical and medical technology research.

Koning Corporation’s breast CT device, based on the patented research of Dr. Ruola Ning, is the only FDA-approved breast CT imaging system on the market. A unique modality, the KBCT provides 3D images of the breast – without compression and with high dose efficiency within the 10-second scan. This technology allows for precise detection, assessment, and quantification of abnormalities, especially in women with dense breast tissue. With the potential to dramatically improve the way clinicians visualize and evaluate breast tissue, Koning hopes to be able to improve survival rates and outcomes for millions of patients.

The KCBT’s nomination for Best Medical Technology represents a significant confirmation of the technology’s value. The Koning Corporation was honored to be recognized by the Prix Galien.


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