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Industry Partners

Industry Partners

Partner with URVentures

As part of our mission to develop UR innovations into products and services that make the world ever better, URVentures seeks and facilitates industry partnerships to advance the translation of our research into the marketplace. In addition to licensing and technology development, URVentures also seeks partners with domain expertise to help us evaluate the commercial and development pathways for our technologies. 

We understand that your time is limited. Our goal is to work openly and efficiently with industry partners to find the technology or researcher most appropriate for your business needs. To get started, review our available technologies or contact us directly; you can use the form below, contact us via email or phone – whichever method works best for you!

Our Process:

1.Tell us what you’re looking for

Fill out the form below with as much information about your needs as you are willing and able to share. 

2. Internal review

Collectively we will review your request and determine if we have something that might meet your needs. 

3. Initial response within 2 weeks

Within two weeks we will provide an initial response to your inquiry. If we have questions or there is a need for further discussion, we can quickly execute a CDA.  If we determine that we don’t have a good solution for you, we will let you know that clearly – so as not to waste your valuable time. 

4. More detailed response within 4-6 weeks

A month or so after our initial response, if not sooner, we will provide you with more detailed information. This analysis includes available data, product development milestones, and the commitment to business development by the researcher and overall team. If desired, we can arrange a time for you and the researcher to speak in more detail. 

Please note: You will hear from us regardless of whether or not we have a technology to meet your needs; if we do not have a fit we will let you know.

Let’s Work Together

Fill out the form below to get started.

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