Angela Messenger

Angela Messenger

Associate Director of Mathematics Education Outreach
Center for Professional Development & Education Reform


School Building Leader Certificate, University of Rochester
School District Leader Certificate, University of Rochester
Digitally-rich Teaching in K-12 Schools Certificate, University of Rochester
Teacher Leadership Certificate, University of Rochester
MS, St. John Fisher College (Math, Science, Technology Education)
BA, Nazareth College (Mathematics, Adolescent Ed. Certification (Gr. 7-12))


Angela Messenger is an associate director of mathematics education outreach at the Center for Professional Development and Education Reform at the Warner Graduate School of Education. Prior to joining the Center, Angela was a high school mathematics teacher for 17 years. During her time as a teacher, she also served as a mentor, Equity Facilitator, Math Curriculum Leader, and a professional learning facilitator. Angela holds advanced certificates in K-12 Digitally rich Teaching and Learning, K-12 Teacher Leadership, and School Building & District Leadership as a result of her participation in a Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship and the Ed Leadership Program at U or R. 
In her role at the center, Angela works with K-12 teachers, coaches, and school/district leaders, serving as a professional learning facilitator, consultant, and coach. She is committed to supporting educators in creating inclusive learning environments that value diverse perspectives and experiences, fostering a positive appreciation of mathematics, and promoting equity and access. She is also currently supporting an NSF funded grant to build and sustain a professional learning network in the Northeast Region for the Noyce Community.